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i have austrailia and new zealand downloaded, oceania gone?


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oh man new zealand is screwed up now, how do i get back oceania settings, australia is fine and so is north america orbx, but my southern new zealand looks like total crap now, i dont understand anyone, where is the oceania setting, i did not delete it?????

i did install the latest libraries and nonthing the whole island is wacked now, please help, i need the oceania setting back, y did it delete after i installed australia red and blue.

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my question is y did the oceania setting delete, it should of not deleted off fsx central, yes i allready did install, nonthing, i need the oceania setting back, now it says australia setting?????

tim i cant check oceania, right now i have default fsx, australia, and north america to be checked, how can i get oceania back

their is no oceania!!!!

its gone after i installed orbx australia and i dont know y

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Sounds like you need to start from the beginning.  Set FTX Central to default or Global depending on what you have.  Install NZ packs, and the Australia pack, then all the updates.  Ignore what FTX Central icons appear.  After ALL those files have been installed, get the latest libraries and install them.  You should now have the Oceania icon, and correct scenery in NZ.  


If not then you need to confirm you don't have other NZ or Oceania scenery interfering with the ORBX stuff.


If the problem persists you may have scenery.cfg,  terrain.cfg or file permission issues that are affecting the install.

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i dont mean to be rude, i downloaded the latest scenery library and it did nonthing, for some odd reason after i installed australia orbx, the oceania icon dissapered, i dont know y, also i dont have global i have just orbx products and of course default fsx, my question is was i suppose to download australia first then NZ, because i did it the other way around, someone on this forum should know why the icon is gone?? thanks.

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Australia red and blue are old outdated regions that only have the Australia Icon for FTX Central and none of the four colored regions are even listed on the main ORBX page.  Australia SP4 includes all four AU regions and is what you should have installed.  I believe if you reinstall the NZNI or NZSI it should return your oceana Icon.  Remember that Every Time you install new regions or airport you Must re-install the latest ORBX Libraries.  This is Not optional.

If the Icon returns to Oceana that will be what you pick to fly the two AU red and blue regions.

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okay new zeland works great now thank you, thanks spud

now last question from me, when i download service pack 4 for australia, is it safe to download after i allready installed NZ orbx first, dont want anymore problems? flightsim store has free update patch at 4.42gb is that right then i can download red and blu aust.??

orbx has serivice pack 4 listed at 700 something mb and flight store has it at 4.42gb? which place should i download?

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