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Northern California - The Dams

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I'm a little late to this thread because I just saw it.  But when I saw the first picture of Shasta Dam in the first post from almost a year ago, I just had to make a post here 'cos I almost fell outta my chair.


For those members here who may have never been to the real Shasta Dam, below is a picture I took of it about 2 years ago while on one of my motorcycle trips.  Compare it to the first picture in the first post of this thread to see just how 'dam' good the 'dam' scenery builders are in ORBX.   :D



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I'm a little late to this thread because I just saw it.  But when I saw the first picture of Shasta Dam in the first post from almost a year ago, I just had to make a post here 'cos I almost fell outta my chair.


For those members here who may have never been to the real Shasta Dam, below is a picture I took of it about 2 years ago while on one of my motorcycle trips.  Compare it to the first picture in the first post of this thread to see just how 'dam' good the 'dam' scenery builders are in ORBX.   :D





Thanks for the kind words, and nice picture!


Actually it was a case of doing lots of compromising to make the dam models fit the terrain properly...and still look a bit like the real thing. in some locations I had to be quite errr creative :)

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I'm another one enjoying the NCA dams, and would also agree with the earlier poster who suggested a bit of tlc on the Grand Coulee area.  I've never been in real life but I am a bit of a hydro power geek, and it is one of the iconic dams of the 20th century.


I hope that more dams feature in future terrain regions (and maybe a few retrospectives too), perhaps like those excellent bridges have caught our attention in Norway, as they're both significant pieces of infrastructure very visible from the skies.

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