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what should my frame rate be?


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G'day , yep its 3.15 am and Im doing a long flight in the 208..

any way just wondering when i have the display up , showing my frame rate

it says its around 12 -19 with a target of 31, 

what does all this mean?


I have a quad  core I7 1 gig ati radeion  dedicated graphics card

8 gig ram windows 7 64bit..


usually have rex and plan G and chrome running while flying


any ideas?


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FSX/P3D aren't "games" where higher frame rates will garner any appreciable advantage. The target should be smoothness ... ie: getting 40+ frames per second, but having consistent stutters is a complete deal-breaker. If you can fly along over any area and get 20-30 frames per second, but have a seamless and stutter-free experience, that's where you want the sim to be.

Folks never want to hear this, but to achieve a smooth flight experience you may need to dial back the visual options for the sim. Even the most powerful processors can become overloaded if you hit them with too much work. Dial things back a notch or two, and enjoy a smooth flight. Simulations are much more rewarding that way. :)

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Synchronised FPS with Refresh rate = Smooth flight - PERIOD!

Dialling back settings is totally irrelevant if you use absolute 'minimal' add-ons.

FTX Global is a good add-on; apart from that a few airports and REX - that's how it has to be!

XPlane 9 by the way with bespoke FSC Italian scenery is 'THE' nicest & smoothest sim I ever saw.

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Quad core i7, but the key will be the clock-rate.

Very CPU dependent process Flightsimming.

For me the key is sharing the load over 4 high spec PC's - this way the PC's are more reliable at their standard clock rates. Also I have seen an overclock induce some stuttering before.

Horses for Courses I think :)

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I lock my frames at 30fps and aim for smoothness, it is normally sitting at 29 unless I use an airport add-on that is heavy on the frames.

Anywhere between 21 to 30fps should be sufficient...but smooth lower fps (no stutters) flying is better than 60, 80, or 100 fps with stutters!

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For me the key is sharing the load over 4 high spec PC's - this way the PC's are more reliable at their standard clock rates. Also I have seen an overclock induce some stuttering before.

Horses for Courses I think :)

I suspect that the OP is using a single computer, and probably not considering buying 3 more.


This is a CPU intensive task.  We don't exactly know what the OP is running.

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I find you can knock down your slider ( including fps) settings and tweak the CFG settings (Google it or I can send you some links) and still have great smoothness and detailed graphics. I run on a 46inch main monitor and the experience is very satisfactory with around 15 - 30 fps. There's so much more to fps than the actual figure. I can have a beautiful, pleasurable flight at 15 fps and the scenery loads perfectly, no stutters with detail. I'm no guru but I think with all the "tweaking" I've done with the CFG it has resulted in a nice balance and sim heaven - and with what some would consider a low fps value. In my option it's not all about FPS.

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I try not to chase FPS, as I've had smooth flights with my FPS in the teens. I've also seen a stutter with FPS at 30 or greater. The real question is are you happy with your flights?



True enough - I am on the verge of finding out if I ever will be happy

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I think , most of the time I am happy with my flights,

just coming home ie to orbx Wollongongand some bigger cities ie kings ford smith in 

sydney i get slow down and i do have sliders down, 

and I'd love to have 2 or more pc's just for fsx  but no money at the moment


but might have 2 pc's eventually for fsx .....

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  • 2 weeks later...

What should your FPS be? Turned off while experiencing smooth flight. You will never experience enjoyable flightsimming while chasing FPS. Mine are locked at 30 and I enjoy nice smooth flying and never bother to check what FPS I am running at. And guess what? I really enjoy my flights!!!!!

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Carefully tune you AF and your frames WILL improve as will the smootheness  Milo you have a good PC and IMHO there is nothing to prevent your system from being in the 60's and greater,  Reduce your distance visibility distance as it would be in the real world and you FPS will go up. 
IMHO there are many many Simpilots that want top performance but don't fly realistically. Now I have been outspoken on some subjects and what I am about to type will possibly ruffle a few feather's :-

There are a lot of Sim Pilots that simply have no bloody idea and that is not being derogatory as many retiree's get into FSX as a pastime and have had little to do with PC's and Gaming before then which I suppose would be rather daunting.
 Now that being said I must be fair and add that there are just so many variables that effect performance, things like crap applications running in the background ie Up loader's,  Driver Down loader's, tweaking tools and things of that nature WILL KILL performance and should IMHO NEVER be allowed to be installed nor used on ANY PC. 

Properly tuned Graphics card is IMHO just as important as a good CPU I don't believe for a second that there is any significant advantage in running 64 bit over 32 bit OS, the reason I say that is virtually all your applications are 32 Bit, and will run quite happily in a 32 Bit system, which I might add WILL use 4 Gb of Memory, it just doesn't show it . On my system I have never seen memory usage even approaching 3 gb .  Now SOME systems appear to benefit from locking the refresh rate BUT that is only if the FPS is better than 60 (Common refresh rate for LCD monitor's) , I leave mine unlocked as it causes less stuttering and appears much smoother than locking the refresh rate and attempting to force the FPS to the refresh rate.  My advise turn your filtering down and allow the FPS to increase and then tweak it carefully to improve the look and speed.  Each system WILL require completely different tuning method depending on the hardware and that is the absolute truth. my settings will not likely work with any other system unless it is perhaps the same MoBo and graphics card , and even then software installed has an effect.


Multiple monitors rob some performance especially when resolutions are driven much higher than FSX was EVER designed to go.  Simple things such as trying to see the Horizon 10 mile away something that is rare places an extraordinary load on the graphics card.  Overclocking is another thing where Gamer's go astray as sometimes this can lead to thermal instability and other nasty things happening like BSOD's,  PC freezing and so on.  Just like any machinery  keep it cool and within operating parameter's and your PC will perform admirably for at least 5 years,  and as for upgrading you should NEVER need to reinstal a thing , and IMHO NEVER even consider OEM instalations (No bloody CD's DVD with your software) and single Drives.  as a single drive PC is simply asking for trouble as a gamer. 

Milo your PC should run into the 60 FPS and better !! 

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thanks guys, I was doing some youtubing and googling ,is that even a word now  ::)

and found a guy calle FSX Genius , and followed his tips for amd tweeks, 

and now I am getting about 30 - 40 fps in the air and 20 -35 on the ground ,19-25 on the runway..

so far so good, this is for Wollongong..going to check Jandakot to see how it goes..


thanks again every one... this will do if all being well till I can get my all fsx/p3d pc later this year  

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After several decades of stutters at varying degrees I followed someone's suggestion and matched my frame rate in FSX with my LCD monitor refresh rate. Ever since that simple modification I haven't seen a stutter. Marvellous.


John G

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I don't know if this is even supposed to happen but the latest routine Nvidea driver update for my GTX660 has upped my frame rate from an average of around 19 or 20 to around 25 to 30.

It never happened before with updates.


This may be because of a new profile for P3D which you can see with nVidia Inspector if you use this tool.


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