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EDBH - Barth very bad FPS


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First - EDBH is a very nice Scenery congrats to Thomas - well done. But my fps break from stable 30-35 down to 12-15 in the Airport aerea. This is only in EDBH, my system: i7 2600K @ 4,7  GHz | GTX 780 ti. Did someone else make the same observation?




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Same here, but I didn't want to uninstall it yet. So I disabled a few files. Here's how: Exit FSX, got to the ORBX\FTX_GLOBAL\FTX_AA_EDBH\ folder, create a "disabled" folder here (along with "scenery" and "texture") and move into this folder FPS heavy files. In my case I choose to move all of these (maybe a bit extreme, but my GPU is really sensitive these days):





and all ***_Objectflow_EDBH.xml except EDBH_PLC_Aircrafts_Objectflow_EDBH.xml


You may try different combination until your FPS are back to normal... It's a very dirty trick but it works...


Another freeware worth trying is Heringsdorf EDAH by Volker Wegner (avsim), not far from EDBH. And if you fly into Poland check out Pawel Aziukiewicz's Zegrze Pomorskie EPKO in Koszalin (avsim too).

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Another freeware worth trying is Heringsdorf EDAH by Volker Wegner (avsim), not far from EDBH. And if you fly into Poland check out Pawel Aziukiewicz's Zegrze Pomorskie EPKO in Koszalin (avsim too).

Thanks for the hints. I already had EDAH which is a wonderful designed airport but was new to EPKO. This polish old military airport is very nice and detailed designed.


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hi vonstroheim,

    your suggestions probably work, but why go to all that bother when the developer has made these effects to suit airport,

   a lot of orbx airports have bird calls etc-etc, & have no adverse effect. also sceneries from ozx & misty moorings the same.

   no the answer lies with the developer to sort out the problem & issue a patch.

   just my thoughts.

  regards.  Am

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Another freeware worth trying is Heringsdorf EDAH by Volker Wegner (avsim), not far from EDBH. And if you fly into Poland check out Pawel Aziukiewicz's Zegrze Pomorskie EPKO in Koszalin (avsim too).


Thank you! These are great freewares which I was not aware of. Too bad Epko is ruined by the actual Vector scenery. I hope that with Vers 1.1 things get back to normal.

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Can't confirm a framerate decrease at EDBH. I put the PMDG 777 at EDBH for demonstration and I had always about 40 fps. FSGRW, REX, Summer textures.



nice,but very helpfull for the guys,they have trouble...........maybee say how you get that?


hardware ,settings at every angel at the airport,i have at that position also good frames,take of and look back for a few miles,then may go down.

also some places at the airport are ok,some not.

i use high settings,utx for europe and other...........



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I have solved the problem for me as follows:

Rebuilt all dds textures (overridden alpha channels / mips just to be safe) with ImageTool in batch processing.

Then were renamed from BGL or xml to OFF (i.e. disabled) the following scenery effect files:

° EDBH_Bird_Sound.BGL
° EDBH_Birds.BGL
° EDBH_PLC_bush_Objectflow_EDBH.xml
° EDBH_PLC_Dandelions_Objectflow_EDBH.xml
° EDBH_PLC_Grass_Line_Long_Objectflow_EDBH.xml
° EDBH_PLC_Grass_Line_Objectflow_EDBH.xml
° EDBH_PLC_Grass2_Objectflow_EDBH.xml
° EDBH_PLC_Grass4_Objectflow_EDBH.xml

Now this airfield runs very smoothly on my pc (i7-2600K, GTX570) in DirectX 9 as well as DirectX 10. ;)

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A patch addressing these issues has now been released: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74466-edbh-freeware-sp1/

I was just going to post a topic about the very bad fps at EDBH, thankfully I searched first! Why is this patch not listed anywhere? I would never have known there is a patch without searching the forums, I downloaded the freeware airport last week and it is still at v1.0

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Hi David,


As always Ed Correia will put these update announcements & DL link in the "Release Announcements" sub forum. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/forum/77-release-announcements/ You could always mark this subforum to be notified of any new content whenever it is made available.


Glad you found the update by search function though. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74466-edbh-freeware-sp1/?hl=%2Bedbh+%2Bbarth+%2Bstralsund

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