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Could ORBX Help a Helpless "Customer" Out Somehow?


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My name is Greg, and I am a would-be "customer" of ORBX's beautiful looking PNW. I stumbled across the product a while back, on fspilotshop.com. However, I had just purchased something else with the retailer, which is the only one that I can seem to get VISA to allow to accept payments from their pre-paid gift cards. Apparently they enacted some sort of policy recently that doesn't allow their giftcards to be used to make online purchases that go to companies outside of the US. 

I am now in a huge dilemna as I got a pre-paid giftcard with just enough to buy PNW, and upon returning to fspilotshop I noticed that it was gone... :/ Searching on the FTX website I notice that only flightsimstore is the retailer, and unfortunately I cannot purchase from there as it seems they are based in Australia, which VISA won't allow me to make payments to..

Is there ANY possibility that I can get some help with this? Are there any ways for a copy to be sold through fspilotshop still? 

If not, I guess I will just have to give up hope on PNW for now. 

Any help is greatly appreciated, as I'm at a loss for now. 



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