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FTX Global 1.1 Update Install Instructions


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After receiving an update notice from Flight Sim Store I downloaded FTX Global 1.1 update. It is still called Global 110 Zip but  Flight Sim Store told me the file would be automatically updated.

As I have had trouble with installing Global before i was hoping someone could supply Installation instructions eg do i have to uninstall my current version of Global etc. Do I need to install this update if I'm not using Prepar3d? Are there changes that make installing worthwhile for FSX users? There are no install instructions with the downlaod.

Many Thanks

Order # FSS0242244


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I wonder if FSS are changing something as I too received the notification email, but when I went to my account there was no download link or even a mention of the 1.1 update.

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i believe it's the new installer for p3d v2, i don't think any changes have been made for current fsx and p3d 1.4 users, if you don't plan on buying p3d v2 i don't believe there is even a need to download the new installer, please someone correct me if i am wrong.

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Was just about to ask about this but looks like you guys came to the same conclusion I did.


Would have been nice with an official confirmation though and I also think it would have been nice if it was mentioned in the info sent out from FlightSim Store who needs to download this new setup file and what exactly it does include.

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in another thread somewhere i read it would be a 3 way installer for fsx,p3d and p3d v2, actually it's kinda nice for anyone that would need to reinstall because it looks to me the patch is already built into the installer so thats a plus for any future installs.after i confirm i am completely happy with p3d v2, i plan on doing a complete wipe of my pc and installing just p3d v2 depending on the products that are supported.

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That's how I read it too Brett - now a tri-installer instead of a bi-installer - no other changes mentioned.


If you have FTX Global installed with the 1.1 patch you don't need to redownload it indeed. However, of you plan to install FTXG into P3D 2.0 you do need this new version. Advantage is that the patch has been build into it. So you might want to download this anyway for future use. (But not toiday, please, unless you really need it, because I can't get the file downloaded at all up to now... ;) )

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Yes some sort of information would have been nice and saved me wasting 4GB of download bandwidth just to find it's for P3D (which I don't have and don't intend having).


Well, you can get rid of your 1.00 version download and the 1.1 patch and use this download in the future. Will save you the time spend patching and saves some disc space... ;)

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