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Calling the Connie  "Ugly" may his chooks turn into emu's and kick his out house over. Bloody heathen with no soul calling the Connie ugly.  the Antonov however is a different story BUT in it's defense there are many utility aircraft that are damned ugly that the ground repels them and this is why they do what they were designed to do exceptionally well.  

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Ugh, how can anyone find the Connie "ugly"???  Ungainly on the ground, maybe, but that's a necessity of keeping those big props clear of the ground.  In the air she's a true beauty, a period icon of aviation.  I agree with him on the DC-10 though... ugliest damn airliner ever made - not that it matters though.  Because, despite what the author states, aerodynamic requirements and engineering factors are MUCH more important than how the damn thing looks.

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