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FTX region and Piper Cub combo?

norfolk mike

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I said I'd never leave England, Scotland or Wales, but FTX global has given me a dose of wanderlust.


I've been looking at PNW, found there is a museum within the region hosting a P:51 "stang", and an appropriate repaint available for it (Upupa epops)


That's me all over. If it doesn't fly in an area for real, it doesn't get airtime in my sim. I think the term might be "obsessively pedantic".


Anyway, that's one additional region sorted.


I'd love to pair the A2A Piper Cub up with something REALLY visual, and I was thinking along the lines of New Zealand South Island? I mean, just lazy, slow and stress busting jaunts over something visually relaxing.


Is there a better option for the Piper Cub? I'd do the whole Australian thing (and probably will yet), but I'm thinking NZ South will be pleasantly lush and well serviced with landing strips? I can fly the A2A warbirds in the UK at 30fps locked, but understand that being newer technology, it might be more efficient. Would Australia show a significant FPS hit, or does the fact it has vast tracts of low autogen areas more than compensate for that?

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Go for NZSI for sure. It's got plenty of unregistered strips from flat and green to steep high country stips on top of ridges. There are a lot of challenges waiting for you in this area.

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I'm confident that NZSI will be a good call. I've been busily "YouTubing" it, and its gonna do and be everything I need, so thanks for your confirmation.


Since posting, I have gone slightly mad (A relative term here in the UK, as we have plenty of eccentrics). I've been cross referencing the Western United States FTX areas with things like the P:47 Thunderbolt, the B:17 Flying Fort and the P:51, and it looks like there are a few examples alive and kicking around the various museums there. I've got the "Chuckie" and "Big Stud" textures downloaded and applied in preparation for my temporary stateside emigration, but I'll need all the regions!


Then I delved into the civil aircraft servicing Jackson Hole, and things are beginning to look rather expensive now!


Best I get NZSI and do some "low n slow" in the Piper Cub whilst I ponder this FTX addiction! Thanks again anyway.

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