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Can I have some ice Holger?


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I hope this request is not inappropriate. But after purchasing both superb sceneries SAK and Tongass Fjords, I have been extremely impressed with the usual high standards set with both. However, there is one very small difference I have noticed between the two, and that is the depiction of ice on the rivers. I have noticed that with Tongass Fjords there appears to be a little more detail with a different texture, which personally I find very attractive and realistic. My question is... would it be possible to replace any ice textures from SAK and PFJ with those used inTongass Fjords? Cheers...

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Hi Howard,

once a body of water has frozen over it will accumulate snow like any other ground surface and thus be completely white. Thus, "realistic" depends on very much on which part of the winter you're talking about. The ice texture you're seeing in Tongass X is actually a transitional texture representing new ice or ice break-up and displays on both rivers and lakes. If you fly in the middle of winter the same waterbodies will be all-white just like in SAK. In other words, "white ice" displays during "hard winter" and "broken ice" during "mild winter" in Tongass X.

We originally implemented those two sets of ice textures with the NA regions in the same way. However, since they are tied to the seasons several users correctly pointed out to us that the waterbodies remained frozen for too long as compared to the real world. Thus we removed the "broken ice" variant in subsequent service packs; I believe it's still in use in parts of PFJ where we adjusted the seasons instead.

Having said that I've considered experimenting with switching some of the larger SAK rivers to that "broken ice" texture since they probably never freeze completely anyway, or if so only for a couple months during each winter. Either approach is a compromise -- as most things in FSX development -- and it can only be implemented via a service pack and thus not made optional. Thus, before I commit to doing this I want to make sure that we don't receive complaints from other users who consider the current approach more realistic.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Howard,

if you prefer the "broken ice" texture and don't mind seeing it on all water bodies and all winter long (and have PFJ installed) then you can do the following: navigate to \ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_PFJ08_CUSTOM exture and make a copy of "FTX_PNW_ice_water_wi.bmp" on your desktop or in a temp folder. Rename that file to "FTX_PNW_ice_water_hw.bmp" then copy & paste it into both \ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_SAK08_CUSTOM exture and \ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_SAK06_CVX exture, overwriting the existing files (after making a backup of them in a safe location).

Cheers, Holger

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