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DX10, again and again and again.....

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Sorry that I have to upset some people here on the forum, but........

We all KNOW that the DX10 function in FSX is experimental and does NOT work properly, still a lot of us use that function and it messes up our scenery and FSX. Then we post questions about WHY we have the problems? Ever thought about NOT using DX10 instead of running into problems? :mellow:


the Swede in Spain

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I personally don't use DX10 (mainly for the reasons you mentioned). However, I do wonder why MS never optimised FSX for DX10? It seems like Microsoft just abandoned the flight sim scene shortly after releasing FSX. Seems bizarre considering the communities that have been created around their sims!

Crazy world eh? B)

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It's smoother on my pc and the oceans look great. Great strides have been made by Steve Parsons regarding shaders and a visit to the Avsim Dx10 forum will fill in the details.

Regarding P3D, I would imagine that they will be looking at Dx11 for v2.

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Agree with Rogera and thanks to Steve Parsons!

FSX with DX10 just runs better.

(Higher Frame Rates, better looking textures in land, sky and sea, less video memory used, autoGen, shaders, etc.)

And to top it, in my case not a single OOM error since I switched to DX10

And the lack of FSX-SP1 level backwards compatibility is the key reason why what we decided to label the FSX-DX10 work “previewâ€.

Friday the 13th is here, and so is the 2nd FSX-DX10 progress report

Acceleration and SP2

FTX Global will be DX10 compatible, and I believe eventually all ORBX/FTX products will be “converted†to support DX10. :)


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JJ, not using DX10 results in every second of ones flight to see/feel/experience the problems of DX9. Every second. So from where I am standing, if both DX9 and DX10preview have issues, which is worse, the few issues DX10 has which are only seen at certain predictable places or times that can been avoided or last for only a very small part of the overall flight or the continuing issues of DX9 during the entire flight on every flight.

Just because MS gave up on DX10 to make the release date doesnt mean one needs to throw the baby out with the bath water. That said I will highly support and promote developers who work to make their products as DX10 compatible as possible but wont expect it or demand it.

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