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Ai issue or not?


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G'day my fellow pilots!!

I recently got the Au traffic , as I recently got the ftx full terrain australian dvd for fsx

and i have downloaded the update patches too..

now this is a funny question as I'm not sure I'm wording it right or if in the wrong place?

any how ..here goes..

I have my plane based at Bankstown Airport Sydney NSW Australia.,YSBK

at Gate Parking 3-12 etc, and i don't see any planes on the tarmac or runway

or near my plane etc .. nothing

i have pretty high settings as I have a pretty good machine, quad core i7 1 gig dedicated graphics

card ,8 g ram etc

when i go to Sydney kingsford smith international airport , there are stacks of planes, some taxi to runways etc same to Brisbane etc,

but with the bansktown airport, my friend fly's there he sees planes every were, this can happen but when im there still no other aircraft or traffic, I hear them on the atc but not on ground etc

also happens with or with out the FTX Ai stuff ticked or un ticked ,which ones do i have ticked or un ticked ? most times i just fly around australia , some times over seas,

what should i do with my settings etc ?

or is it something im missing??

can you help me out please?

thanks for your time ,


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Two things to check first. Go to your settings for Traffic in FSX and make sure you have the activity slider for General Aviation traffic at a reasonable level - I would suggest at least 50% or more to see a nice level of activity.

Secondly, check the level of parking available at your Bankstown Airport APX. From memory, there is quite a number of parking spots at the FSX default Bankstown so there shouldn't be an issue if you're using that one.

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thanks guys, Peter, thanks for the screen pic I never get any of that at BA

when I go to other airports , I do get planes, some of the smaller regional places no planes

but i kind of expected that

also i notice sometimes the buidings dont always show up.. or the fuel box et..


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this is my set up


my pc

Windows® 7 Home Premium - Intel® Core™ i7 processor 2600 (2.80GHz, 8MB L2 cache, 1333MHz FSB) - 8GB Dual Channel (2x 4GB) - 2TB SATA Hard Drive - ATi Radeon HD 6570 1GB - Blu-ray Combo - Multi-in-1 Card Reader - Wireless 802.11 b/g/n - 1 year onsite warranty

here are my settings set up in game


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hope that helps,

I am so confused...

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Do you have any other AI Traffic packages installed? Could you post a screenshot of AI traffic you are seeing at one of your other airports so I can identify that what you are seeing is from the FTX AI Traffic pack.

Providing all your AI aircraft are present in the SimObjects\Airplanes folder, you should be seeing the traffic in the sim. It is most unusual if some of the aircraft are showing and not others.

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i have downloaded the redcliffe airport in Queensland from


that and the australia dvd from there ..and the libraries, thats pretty much it..

and you can see i dont get any other air craft at redcliffe other than mine

downloaded redcliffe airport

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missing buildings

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sydney kingsford smith IA

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Sydney with planes taking off

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dont know if any of these help,

also i do see planes landing and taking off etc, and i tried Heathrow in London and got planes taking

off and landing..

some times I'll load the game and have some of the buildings dissapear as well...

so not sure ,

by the way, who has a pc just for fsx, ??

I'm thinking maybe have a pc built for me, just for fsx as with this one im on now

i have music programs, stuff for sims 3 and other things as well,

would it help jus to have a system just for fsx say some thing like this but an i7


thanks for helping out, i know i must seem like a nit.. oh that pc is aussie based too..

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There are no KLM aircraft in the FTX AI traffic pack so you must have another traffic pack from someone else. If that other one is an FS9 traffic pack, it will suppress all the FSX ones. That will mean you will not see any of the FTX AI traffic which will populate most of the Australian or New Zealand airports.

FSX cannot handle FS9 traffic files as well as FSX ones as the two are compiled differently. As silly as it seems, when both are found by FSX it gives priority to the FS9 one and the FSX one is completely ignored.

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I'll try that Graham, but i just loaded fsx up on my quad core i7

laptop , which i dont use for gaming, more music stuff

any way i put in some specs wombat shared via email (thanks mate)

but i get exactly the same results, laptop has no addons,

ps havent got FS9

I have almost been thinking of re installing windows 7 and doing a fresh install again..

dont know ..

took out that file you suggested and still same resul...

also is this in the right spot?? the orb x stuff?

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Im still confuesed ... what type of gear are you guys using?

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I notice from your screenshot above that you have a folder just above Scenery\World\Scenery which is called Traffic2005AFD\Scenery - what is in that folder? I'm guessing there may be some AFD bgl's in there that might be causing you some problems?



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Well spotted Jack, Traffic 2005 is a FS9 AI traffic package and if installed in FSX will stop any FSX traffic files from working. The FS9 traffic file can be recompiled as an FSX one but you would need something like Don Grovestine's AI Flight Planner to do that.

When we sort users through these issues, we ask questions to help with a resolution. I asked about other AI Traffic packs and it was implied none were installed and now I find a FS9 package is on your FSX system. Not very helpful guys.

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Hi Graham, thank you for your help, so what you are saying is the Traffic2005AFD should be removed, is that correct?

Would the painting of an aircraft cause this folder to be created?

I think milo made his own paint job with FSPaint v2.23 & DXTBmp - DXT and 16/32bit Texture Manipulator 4.00.96, these are old programs and my guess was that maybe they created the FS9 suspect folder

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The painting of an aircraft or the use of an FS9 aircraft is not a problem. In fact, most of the FTX AI Traffic aircraft are FS9 models and work fine in FSX.

The issue is the use of FS9 Traffic files. It has been discussed endlessly in many forums including this one, that FS9 traffic files cannot be used together with FSX ones in FSX. They are compiled differently and when FSX finds both, the FSX ones are completely ignored in favour of the FS9 ones.

There is no need to discard the FS9 traffic files as it is a simple process to recompile them to FSX ones. All WOAI packages are FS9 traffic packages and many users have them running quite well in FSX but they recompile them to FSX ones first.

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milo has only just installed FSX (within last 3 weeks) and the other stuff mentioned before, so are you saying the Traffic2005AFD folder is the FS9 AI ones and needs to be recompiled?

if yes, how would he go about doing the recompile?

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sorry Graham, i forgot about that traffic from 2005, my apologies,

it came with the game/sim as a package when i got it yonks ago...

i just forgot about that pack.. dam it.. now i feel bad...

should i delete the traffic 2005 folder?

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I'm about to go out for a while so I'll respond in more detail later, but on a quick observation, the only problem would seem to be the file Traffic.bgl in your Scenery\World\Scenery folder. If you move that for now all should be fine unless there is another FS9 traffic file somewhere in your system. Don't delete that file as it can be saved.

The Traffic2005 folder should not be a problem where it is and can be left as is if you wish.

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wow, I cant begin to thank every one on here for your help.. I was beginning to think MIlo Aviation had its own

airfield /airport , maybe one day!!

I took out that file that Graham suggested, the traffic one, and put in the settings wombat suggested,

and bam, back to normal.. and can see planes taking off too, which i never had!

thanks all, I feel bad about the traffic pack, just forgot all about it..

and i forgot to tell wombat , i have had this sim in system for about 6 months or so ..(sorry wombat)..

thats how long i have been getting into it, or trying to at least not that long at all, compared to you guys..

I want to give you all a trip of your choice around aus with MIlo Aviation on me!!

thanks again. I hope I haven't been a pain in the ass....

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now i hope its resolved (this issue)...


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milo, I can see you are smiling now ::) ::)

Something I like to do is sit near a runway and watch the aircraft take off and land and listen to ATC


Graham is a great help when it comes to AI and very helpful, thanks for your help

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