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I'm quitting smoking


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Good Luck to yer

I have been smoking since I was 9 yep 9 I'm now 65 and have tried to stop smoking for 30 yrs If ever you get the craving talk to some one I did't Those thing just were not done in my time We hadn't the savvy your generation have or the Help

Here in the UK you can get all kinds of aids to help quit for free But the goverment still wont ban the backie They get too much tax from it

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Ok this has been a really encouraging thread. I have tried unsuccessfully for the past three years to give up smoking. But since New Year's Eve i have only smoked at the pub three times and I had my last smoke two days ago. I'll report back in 12 days when I get over the two week "hump".

Now ... What will my 'reward' be? I can get all the Orbx stuff really cheap LOL!

So how's it going John?
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I am so glad I read through this post again after many days.

Those of you who have posted about quitting, I offer hearty encouragement. I have never smoked but I endure the stench everday on the sidewalk in the city.

Those of you who are trying to add some humour with double meaning jokes are probably not helping these guys go through a really hard time. Be kind and thoughtful.

JV, the best reward you can give yourself is not anything of material, but of feeling healthy and being a better companion to all you love and cherish.

This is an amazing collection of positive willpower. Keep up the effort guys and well done. Maybe some more will join in the effort.

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Well done and keep it up.

I reckon that is 4.50 x 31 = 139.50 euros saved. That's a few orbx sceneries!

I gave up from 20 a day two and half years ago. Fortunately none of my friends smoked and pubs and bars in the UK are all some free so was never tempted in those situations. Biggest hurdle was driving, which I do a lot of for work. My coffee and chewing gum consumption did go up a lot initially to compensate but after I lost the feeling of "needing" a smoke I cut back on the coffee and gum.

Perhaps the only advice I would offer is that if you are ever tempted to have "just the one" because its a bad day, please do everything you can to resist. That one will probably lead you to 5, 10 and back to 20.

As I say 2 years on for me and I love having cash in my pocket, not having that smoke smell on my clothes and hair - and generally feeling much healthier.

Keep strong!

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Congratulations Rosario!


Keep going on!

You can be assured:

It will get easier and easier the longer You do not smoke!

Instead and as many have pointed out here above too:

You will simply not be missing smoking at all one day!

All the best to You as well John!

You won't regret undertaking this step!

I have been smoking too and sure:

I have no right at all to tell anyone what to do or not to do. So please no misunderstanding here.

But when judging from my personal experience i can at least say:

Having given up smoking noticeably changed my life to the better.

Also as far as i can tell from others and as it can be seen here too, when browsing through all the many replies:

Everyone who quit smoking never ever regreted to have undertaken this step!


Keep on going too, by giving it up!

Cheers, Christoph

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