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Carenado Releases C152 II

Jay Kae

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I would love to buy it, but the current state of the South Pacific Peso is holding me back  :(

Maybe if I have a win on the ponies on saturday :P oh.. and not drink it all on Sat night.. hehehe

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  "Carenado has not yet released a proper paintkit ....".

I just recieved an email from Fernando at Carenado this am...:

"Blank Template for C152 II"...."We will release it in a few days to publics sites."

.....the aircraft "feels" more real than some others, you have to pay attention to what you are doing!

  ^ +1    (Most realistic flying dynamics I have yet encountered on FSX)


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I have always heard that the 152 is a slow climber but I was pretty stunned on my first takeoff when it has full tanks. I really wanted to get out an push!

The only issue is that it looks like it has that darn green ting to the windows again so gotta fix that.


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I like many PPL and student Pilots have done more than a few Hrs in a 152 and to be honest they are like it's smaller brother not the best performer's BUT if you learn from both the weaknesses and the strengths, it will make you a better pilot with a greater awareness of the limitations of some airframes.

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Just an update, I noticed the 152 radio wasn't turning on/off by the switch and sent Carenado an email today. Less than an hour later, they send me the fix!

Very impressed with that service!

Whilst I mention great after-sales service, you Orbx fellows certainly deserve high praise, and so does a chap named Lionheart for his Epic LT aircraft, now up to version 1.6! Such service is appreciated!

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The problem with the radios was because there is no avionics master switch in the C152, so the plane was sometimes loading with the FS avionics master swich in the off position.  To get around it, I set a key command (I used CTRL+M) to the standard avionics master switch, and whenever the problem occured (it depended on my saved flights),  Ijust pressed CTRL+M and the radios lit up.  ;D

The correction that Carenado have *probably* made to the cfg, could be to remove the avionics master from the config - which means that radios, transponder, etc, become hardwired to the battery switch and are therefore 'always on'.

I agree with you about the excellent level of support from ORBx and Carenado, but I don't agree about Lionheart! .... the reason the Epic is at v1.6 'already' is because the previous versions were so bad on release! And as someone who gave feedback on the many original issues to the owner of Lionheart - and received a torrent of abuse back! - I'm not of the opinion that their support is of the level of ORBx and Carenado!  :o  I also hate the way you get the Christian thing rammed down your throat at their web-site. Each to their own.

Back on topic;  The Carenado 152 is certainly a contender for best GA aircraft to frequent any version of FS !


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Guest Private-Cowboy

The problem with that patch is, that it does not fully work. Now the radios come on with the battery and don't require the master-AV. But you will not be able to use them and talk to ATC and such. If you wanna do so you'll still need the shortcut to enable master-AV. The patch does fix the visually not working radios but they still don't really work.

What I'm wondering is the climb performance. According to various sources a C152 should have a service ceiling of 14.700feet. I hover strugle to even reach 7.000feet. No matter how I lean the engine and such. I'm quite happy cruising along at around 5.000feet but I wonder if the Carenado 152 can even reach 10.000 at all.

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I'm at 9000 ASL of the Coast at Cairns at the moment still climbing , 50-55 Kts 250FPM  It aint no space shuttle boys you HAVE to fly it, not the other way around.

Oh by the way anyone noticed the small antenna on the rear turtle deck on the right rear of the cockpit??

It vibrates just like the real deal in the Airflow.

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Just got the bill for the C152, I bought it from carenado direct, said $23.00US, but after the exchange rate I was charged $44.00AUS >:(

bought the C182RGII (roughly the same price as the C152 @ carenado ) few days after from theflightsimstore  and paid only $30.65AUS

kudos to the flightsimstore ;D

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Sorry if this is a stupid question but where is the fuel shutoff valve? I can't seem to find it anywhere, all I see is a red sign on the floor marking it's position (?).


Hi Magnus. The fuel selector hasn't been modelled in the Carenado C152. In reality it is located just aft of that little sign on the floor, on the vertical part that steps up the floor to the level of the seat rails. See picture below:

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Sorry if this is a stupid question but where is the fuel shutoff valve? I can't seem to find it anywhere, all I see is a red sign on the floor marking it's position (?).


Hi Magnus. The fuel selector hasn't been modelled in the Carenado C152. In reality it is located just aft of that little sign on the floor, on the vertical part that steps up the floor to the level of the seat rails. See picture below:

Posted Image

Thanks Squeeker! Good to know I wasn't blind  :)  /Magnus

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has anybody "updated" this little lady with A2A 3D-LightsRedux and could post it here?

Thanks a lot


These are mine...let me know if you like them...or want to change one..


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_navredalabeo152

light.1 = 3,  -1.65,  16.727, 2.01, fx_navgrealabeo152

light.2 = 1,  -17.43, 0.00, 4.35,  fx_shockwave_beacon_fastflash_lowl

light.3 = 4,  -2.57, 0.00, 1.50, fx_vclightalabeo152

light.4 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_strobe

light.5 = 3,  -1.65,  16.727, 2.01, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

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has anybody "updated" this little lady with A2A 3D-LightsRedux and could post it here?

Thanks a lot


Try replacing the lights section in the aircraft.cfg with the following:

You will need to source the freeware fx_vclight_deepred.fx file and place it in your "Effects" folder in order to get the lower intensity VC red light as shown in the following text. I just pinched the lightglobe out of another aircraft. It was a freeware Mohawk that I found here: http://www.fsfield.com/browsezip.php?fileid=1431

It seems also that the landing white nav light on the tail and the white interior dome light are "hardwired" to the main lightswitch, so any effects added are effectively pasted over the top. This means that the tint and intensities are combined. So it is impossible to get a true deep red low intensity cabin light as the default white light will still bleed through..

So don't expect a more realistic VC dome like in this Mooney:

Posted Image


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

//entry no = type, longit,lateral,vertical, name of file in effects folder

//light.0 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_navredalabeo152

//light.1 = 3,  -1.65,  16.727, 2.01, fx_navgrealabeo152

//light.2 = 1,  -17.43, 0.00, 4.35,  fx_beaconalabeo152

//light.3 = 4,  -2.57, 0.00, 1.50, fx_vclightalabeo152 //original white Carenado dome light

light.0 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_navred_nl.fx 

light.1 = 3,  -1.72,  16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_navgre_nl.fx 

light.2 = 1,  -17.41, 0.00, 4.55,  fx_shockwave_beaconh_lowl.fx

light.3 = 4,  -3.0, 0.00, 1.63,  fx_vclight

//light.3 = 4,  -2.57, 0.00, 1.50, fx_vclight_deepred.fx                 // modified weaker red cabin dome light

light.4 = 5,   4.6, 0.0, -1.12, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow.fx   //Shockwave Landing Light

This is about the best I can achieve, can anyone else help out with removing the stock vc and tail lights?

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Thanks for the heads up,

Looks great and i love Caernado Planes, Hopefully Russ,Butch & Squeeker will work there magic on this one.

Few questions? 

If i bought it today would have Caernado fixed the issues mentioned on here?

Is it better than JF152 from Flying Club X or now freeware?



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I think that its much better than any of the freeware thats out there.  The detail is so much more, and looks like a totally different plane.  Cant go wrong with the Carenado 152.  Its one of those must have aircraft in my opion.

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I think that its much better than any of the freeware thats out there.  The detail is so much more, and looks like a totally different plane.  Cant go wrong with the Carenado 152.  Its one of those must have aircraft in my opion.

Agreed. Easily better than the competition. Good flight model allows spins and sideslips. Interior and exterior detail is far superior to competitors. Wins hands down. I'm certainly not dissapointed.

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I think that its much better than any of the freeware thats out there.  The detail is so much more, and looks like a totally different plane.  Cant go wrong with the Carenado 152.  Its one of those must have aircraft in my opion.

Agreed. Easily better than the competition. Good flight model allows spins and sideslips. Interior and exterior detail is far superior to competitors. Wins hands down. I'm certainly not dissapointed.

Cool thanks guys, where's the credit card again ;D

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Great,now it looks much better.

Thanks to Squeeker and PO.The cockpit light is looking really a bit red,more darkorange,but it is a warm color--very nice indeed.

Put a little bit from Po to the cfg. and that it is

light.0 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_navred_nl.fx

light.1 = 3,  -1.72,  16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_navgre_nl.fx

light.2 = 1,  -17.41, 0.00, 4.55,  fx_shockwave_beaconh_lowl.fx

light.3 = 4,  -2.57, 0.00, 1.50, fx_vclight_deepred.fx               

light.4 = 5,  4.6, 0.0, -1.12, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow.fx 

light.5 = 3,  -1.65, -16.736, 2.01, fx_shockwave_strobe

light.6 = 3,  -1.65,  16.727, 2.01, fx_shockwave_strobe_2

Working fine for me.

Thanks again


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