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How aout a global updater for all Orbx products


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Seeing the number of FTX Orbx "tiles" available today for FSX, the number and frequency of updates available, i find it hard to remain up to date and always feel i haven't updated all my add-ons... Hence, i thibk it would be a great idea if you guys could design a kind of updater that would scan our FSX and check if any of the FTX add-ons needs to be updated.... Then we would always have a system up to date with all your patches.

What do you think ?

Thank you,


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Agreed 100% this will be a great thing, and I'll apologise now if it has already been raised, but in addition to 'hey there are some new patches to install, click here', would be the 'hey, here is the airports that you haven't installed for the areas you have purchased.



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Would it be possible to add the release date of all the available patches in the support section like this is done for the Orbx library?

For me, this would be much more helpful than the patch version because I don't always no the patch version I've installed but I normally know, when I've checked the patches the last time...

Best regards


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