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About cassis87

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Thanks a lot. Will be watching for sure :-)
  2. Hi, As I see the popularity of MSFS is growing and representing a much higher business potential than X-Plane (and obviously P3D), I was wondering if there was any public roadmap for X-plane 11 (and soon 12) announced recently (I found one published in 2021). Owner of MSFS, I however tend to get get back to XP more and more and looking forward to X-Plane 12... so having some clarity on Orbx planned business towards this platform would be very useful when deciding on add-ons investment ;-) Thank you.
  3. Looking at the thousand of people complaƮing about MSFS Camera (i am one of them from day 1), i really hope Keven Menard is reading this post as his soft is probably the most anticipated one for MSFS and for a sure a future business hit !!!! We need it ASAP. please.
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