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The Dream continues..


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Troy, I had missed this thread and by accident have come across it. What you and your Dad have acheived since Frank posted he was off to Melbourne and the project was in limbo till 2013, is just amazing. And Frank this project still captures the imagination. Troy, please keep us posted.

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Hi Guys.

Well, Dad and I finished painting the shell. It was quite a job.

Here's some pics of the outside all painted matt black and the inside, just having a coat of undercoat, ready for the matt black.

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And here's a short vid, shortly before we finished off the inside of the cockpit.


We have now started on fitting the new flight illusion gauges to the MIP. Looks like we'll be making a few new panels there, too, as the new gauges are a different size to the old OC ones. No standardisation in this industry, I'm afraid.

More to come....


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You are right, John.

It has also added a lot more work, but the finished product, we believe, will be second to none.

Dad's had a few health issues recently, but he's a lot better in the last few days, so I gave him some time off the project.

He was working on putting the new Flight Illusion gauges in the MIP.

Unfortunately, where they fit, we are going to have to make 3 new panel segments, as the holes for the new gauges, and the cut-outs, will make it look too dodgey (his words, not mine!).

So, we hope to have them in next week. We've already tested the fit of the MIP in the shell and it's going to fit nicely, which is a miracle, considering it wasn't made to fit that shell in the first place.

We are also hoping to get the glass for the windscreens and cut it to size (he used to make picture frames and knows how to cut glass...go figure), he has got the proper windscreen sealant, so they'll be sealed in, just like the real thing.

I should have some more pics early next week....


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Dad's been working on putting the new flight illusion gauges in the MIP, so I'll take a few snaps this week and throw them up here. He has to re-make the panels for them as well, so it's not an easy job.

I've been working on the overhead and getting the new OC starter switches merged into the Engravity case. One of the landing light switches is faulty, so we are trying to work out if there is a fix, or we bite the bullet and just buy another second hand one from Nick at APHS.

Either way, I'll get some pics up soon,


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I may as well break the news now.

The sim will be moving. We aren't sure just when this will happen, some time in the new year, we think.

That means we will be pulling the shell apart, as it's too big to fit throo the door in one piece. Dads' talking about doing this before he goes on holidays.

The new place is much bigger and will allow us the room to build the surround screen and visuals properly.

So, there you have it. I'll try and keep the pics and updates coming and keep you all informed of the progress...


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Well, I started on the shell breakdown today.

I'm doing a time-lapse clip to show the breakdown in action. Hope it works out.

Should have it pulled apart by the weekend, all going well. It's a pretty time intensive job, as the heads of the bolts do not have much clearance in many areas, so I can't just whack a screwdriver and tip on them and undo the suckers.

Still looking for a new home for it....


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What an amazing adventure for you both. It is fortunate that your dad is so into this stuff and can start you out with such an awesome setup. It already looks like fun so may you continue to enjoy flight simming. Thank you for including us in your great project, I'm sure it will be spectacular.

good flights, Cal

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Well Frank this is becoming one hell of a project. My wife keeps telling me I am crazy with the constant changes I am making to my GA Cockpit, but when I see what you are about to do I can feel a massive migrane coming on.

The best of luck guys, I am certain all will turn out well.

Looking forward to the next phase.

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Well, reluctantly, the shell was pulled apart today. It will be off to a new home in 2013 (provided we all survive the mayan Calendar hicc-up!).

So, I took a few pics when I pulled it apart, but it's taken me most of the night to photoshop them, crop, colour and get them into Avid to make a little time-lapse movie.

Here it is:


I got a few more vids on the boil, to keep the interest up, over the next few weeks. My boy isn't around , so it's all down to me, at the moment.

Hope you enjoy,


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Had some great news today.

We tentatively bought a new home, so the cockpit will have it's own room. It will have to live in the double garage with my MX-5 for a short while, tho, but I can live with that.

The best thing of all tho, is that the new place is within the complex that we already live at, so moving is a matter of shifting our homewares 200 metres...haha!

This is where having a family with utes and trailers...and big muscles comes in.

So, it's a very merry Xmas for us.

See you all in the New Year with the continuing saga!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the new year has started off a bit rough.

I got home from a little holiday in WA and my Server PC has decided that it is still on holidays.

I tried all of the usual fixes, windows repair, etc. etc.

I finally bit the bullet and decided a clean install for 2013 wasn't such a bad thing, maybe clear out a few of those orphans running around inside my SSD.

So, I'll be back up and running in several days of re-installation......grrr

On the other side of things, our move looks to be happening in a few weeks, so I'll be able to get back to the cockpit building.

Will keep you all informed,


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Well, the new year has started off a bit rough.

I got home from a little holiday in WA and my Server PC has decided that it is still on holidays.

I tried all of the usual fixes, windows repair, etc. etc.

I finally bit the bullet and decided a clean install for 2013 wasn't such a bad thing, maybe clear out a few of those orphans running around inside my SSD.

So, I'll be back up and running in several days of re-installation......grrr

On the other side of things, our move looks to be happening in a few weeks, so I'll be able to get back to the cockpit building.

Will keep you all informed,


gotta hate reinstalls,but it means a clean and trouble free OS,hope your move goes well mate and looking forward to more cockpit building updates,merry christmas and happy new year :)
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You are right, timmo.

I was up to 4.00am this morning. All I have on is the basic ORBX, with the complete Oz.

I still got a long way to go. It's all the fine tuning that takes the time.

I gotta be dedicating my time to the move, so I'll have to do the updates as I get some spare moments in the next few days.

It was kinda nice, tho, as I was adding the different levels, to see how far FTX has come.

Now, back to it.........


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Well, the sim is all pulled apart and I'm just waiting now to move.

It was a big job, pulling the base apart,lucky I made it modularly. It will be easy to re-construct. I took a bunch of photo's and marked all of the joints, so that it all goes back together the same way.

I've also got my training sim computer back up and running smoothly.

I re-created my flight back from the west, the other night. It was uncanny how the weather reacted the same as the real flight and the route was spot on as well.

Don't you just love flight sim!!


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Well, the sim is all pulled apart and I'm just waiting now to move.

It was a big job, pulling the base apart,lucky I made it modularly. It will be easy to re-construct. I took a bunch of photo's and marked all of the joints, so that it all goes back together the same way.

I've also got my training sim computer back up and running smoothly.

I re-created my flight back from the west, the other night. It was uncanny how the weather reacted the same as the real flight and the route was spot on as well.

Don't you just love flight sim!!


best of luck frank with the move,it would put me to tears pulling apart your hard work the cockpit ,but i know you will be able to assemble it again without any issues mate,im still fine turning my new system after getting it a week ago ,its runnning at stock speed at the moment I7 3770 I plan on overclocking it at a later date,its very hard work installing all the updates and tweaking the system,but the results are very rewarding in the end,best of luck my friend!
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Nah, all the building has come to a halt at the moment.

It's pretty stressful, as we are trying to buy a house, but the owner of the joint we live in is reluctant to let us break the lease, cos we been such good tenants.

A bit of a catch-22. You wanna look after the dwellings for the owners, but then it comes back and bites you on the tusch!

I still think it's gonna be a great year, with lots of great things happening, especially when you see what is happening here, with JV and the boys.

Very exciting times for simming, that's for sure.


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  • 2 weeks later...

2013 looks like it's gonna be the best year ever for OzSim 738.

We just signed up our new house today and I start moving all of my sim gear over in the next few days.

I have a bit of construction to do on the Sim's new room, but I will be starting the re-build program very soon.

I've got some very exciting plans for the sim and can now take it to the level that I really wanted, with full life-size wrap around visuals to show off all of my wonderful FTX scenery and a cockpit with all of the bells and whistles.

So, watch this space.......we will have some pics and vids that will knock ya socks off in the next few months!

Frank and Troy

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2013 looks like it's gonna be the best year ever for OzSim 738.

We just signed up our new house today and I start moving all of my sim gear over in the next few days.

I have a bit of construction to do on the Sim's new room, but I will be starting the re-build program very soon.

I've got some very exciting plans for the sim and can now take it to the level that I really wanted, with full life-size wrap around visuals to show off all of my wonderful FTX scenery and a cockpit with all of the bells and whistles.

So, watch this space.......we will have some pics and vids that will knock ya socks off in the next few months!

Frank and Troy

great to hear frank! cant wait :) best of luck and happy and a safe new year mate!
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