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YMEN Police and Air Ambulance Choppers

Scott Harmes

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Hi everyone. I didn't really want to post about this problem, as it's not a huge one, but it has now been niggling at me for a few weeks, and I can not find the solution. This isn't a support issue as far as I'm aware, as I don't think anythings broken. OK, so the question is: How do I get the Police and Air Ambulance choppers to show up at their hangar at YMEN. I only saw them last week or the week before, but now no matter what I try they will not appear. I have set IFR and VFR traffic to above 50%, removed all AI traffic files apart from the three ftx files, and checked these files for missing aircraft. I am not sure if they are a part of the FTX AI, being helicopters, but I've tried all of the YMEN control panel settings also, with no luck. Any ideas? Do these ever fly?


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The helicopters are not AI they are scenery objects, did you recently change your scenery sliders down? I am not sure at exactly which setting they are set at, but put your scenery complexity to max and see if they are there, if not you may have another issue, if they are, just back the sliders to where you want them for performance, but they should be there. And to answer your question do they fly, no they are only static objects, mastering helicopters to fly AI is another matter entirely. It is extremely difficulty due to FSX limitations.

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Thanks for the reply Ryan. I wasn't sure if they were AI or scenery objects, but I had been playing around with traffic files and settings around the same time I noticed them. But I was probably playing around with my fsx cfg file at some stage also, so maybe I did something there. I usually have my scenery density set to max and autogen set to normal. Very occasionally I will set autogen to dense. To be honest I only remember seeing the helicopters there a few times and I usually look for them when I'm at YMEN. Anyway, I'll keep experimenting.


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Moved down to the payware support section, as the helicopters are scenery objects not AI I would reccomend re-running the latest version of the orbxlibs http://www.fullterra...t.html#orbxlibs , then ensure your scenery density slider is on maximum and recheck



Hi. Sorry for taking so long to reply to this again. I have been doing some more quick testing on it, and it seems to me that the the ORBX Libs 120825 (I haven't downloaded the latest one yet), does not contain the static choppers at YMEN. I installed YMEN from my DVD, and the choppers were there. I then installed the latest libraries( at the time, a few days ago, 120825), and the choppers are no longer visible.


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Hi Guys.

Sorry, but I'm still having issues with this after downloading the latest libraries from the site. First I just tried installing the new libraries to see if that would do the job. Unfortunately, no Police or AA Choppers at YMEN. Then I reinstalled YMEN and the new libraries straight after. Started FSX, and still had no choppers appearing at the Police/AA Hangar. Then I tried installing YMEN only. Started FSX and the Choppers were there. I then shut FSX down, reinstalled the latest libraries, started FSX and the choppers are gone again. Please note my scenery density is set at maximum, and static aircraft are enabled.

Please see the screenshots below: The first is after installing YMEN only, the second is after I installed the latest libraries (121010):

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Would it be possible to let me know which file theses helicopters are in so I can try to figure out why the libraries are deleting it. Strangely, as far as I've noticed, the three helicopters outside the Air Ambulance/Police Hangar are the only aircraft to disappear.

Also, probably another separate issue I have noticed with several installers, is when I re-install an ORBX airport, some of the control panel options are duplicated, with one having the .bgl extension and one having the .off extension added. This then causes the control panel options to be unable to switch between .bgl and .off, so the option can not be switched via the control panel. I have noticed this on several airports. Obviously, this can be fixed manually by deleting one of the files, and I have done so on several occasions, I'm just not sure if ORBX are aware of this issue.


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Hi Peter,

Thanks for that. I think those Air Ambulance planes are part of the FTX AI traffic packs, whereas my problem is with the missing helicopters which are stationary scenery objects. I notice from your screenshots, that you don't have the three helicopters visible outside the hangar either. Its looking to me like there is a problem with the library installers, as when I install YMEN the helicopters are there, and when I install the latest libraries, they no longer appear.


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Moved down to the payware support section, as the helicopters are scenery objects not AI I would reccomend re-running the latest version of the orbxlibs http://www.fullterra...t.html#orbxlibs , then ensure your scenery density slider is on maximum and recheck



Hi Tim,

Could you confirm that with the latest libraries these helicopters will show up, as they are not on my system (see the posts above). It really looks to me as if the libraries after a certain date have either not included these helicopters or they are not being installed.


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As Ryan has indicated the Helicopters are static models and will disappear if you have either switched off Static Aircraft with the control panel or dropped your Scenery Complexity slider down too low.

Hi Martin,

Could you confirm that with the latest libraries these helicopters will show up, as they are not on my system (see the posts above). It really looks to me as if the libraries after a certain date have either not included these helicopters or they are not being installed.


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