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Question On Auto-Gen


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My new PC is able to take most settings max out, except for Auto-Gen. A "Normal" setting seems to give least stuttering.

Where FTX add-ons are concerned, how much does one really miss out for setting of AGen at Normal, versus that at Max out?

Speaking of stuttering, it's strange, as even at AGen maxed out, my FPS seems generally unaffected most time (about 30+; locked at 38), but yet the stuttering effect seems more obvious. Why so?

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Autogen settings can drag even the best systems to it's knees especially in areas around big cities where there is lot of autogen houses, autogen trees is less hard on the system.

I can never max Autogen settings in areas where FSX performance usually is bad i.e Seattle, and my system is pretty descent. Have i7 950 4,2Ghz(OC), 12 gb 1600Mhz Ram, Nvidia GTX480.

What you miss out? Just test and see.

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Thanks, fellows. My new PC is an ASUS i7-3770K, 3.5GHz OC to 4.6GHz (mostly I run at 4.2). Win7 64, 16GB (DDR3 1600), 2TB (where FSX is at), 128GB SSD, GTX680 2GB DDR5.

Hi Lepres,

I have an i5 2500k o/c to 4.3 Ghz and only a GTX 460, but I'm running autogen at extremly dense (no autogen tweak) and get absolutely no stutters at all, even in the most denss areas like Seattle, but can sometimes get a drop of frames to the high teens (locked @25 FPS) and sometimes blurries (depending on flying speed), but those will usually clear when coming close to the affected textures.

edit: have you applied the Orbx light tweak? This definitely improves performance and reduces stutters in densely built up urban areas.

Cheers, Wolfgang

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Hi Lepres,

I have an i5 2500k o/c to 4.3 Ghz and only a GTX 460, but I'm running autogen at extremly dense (no autogen tweak) and get absolutely no stutters at all, even in the most denss areas like Seattle, but can sometimes get a drop of frames to the high teens (locked @25 FPS) and sometimes blurries (depending on flying speed), but those will usually clear when coming close to the affected textures.

Cheers, Wolfgang

Hmm, maybe I can't do it because I don't lock FPS(Running Unlimited), Tried it once and could infact have higher settings but somehow locking FPS hurt my eyes. Same happened to me in MS flight when they realised a patch to improve performance i got the same effect that hurt my eyes(My guess is that they locked the frames). Things was smooth but my eyes couldnt cope with it.

But anyway when I increase Autogen settings my FPS drops and it's the setting that affect performance most on my system..

(about 30+; locked at 38),

Maybe try to lock It at a lower FPS

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Bad stutters can also be related to running the system with hyper threading on.

Turn it off in the BIOS and compare.

Sent with Tapatalk for iPhone

Depends on the affinetymask setting, tried booth(Turning it on and off) with right affinetymask settings didn't do anything for me either way. But maybe for others?

I Run affinetymask=84 with hyper threading on

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Thanks, fellows. My new PC is an ASUS i7-3770K, 3.5GHz OC to 4.6GHz (mostly I run at 4.2). Win7 64, 16GB (DDR3 1600), 2TB (where FSX is at), 128GB SSD, GTX680 2GB DDR5.

Hmm your system specs is way better than mine so you should have no problem running Autogen maxed, I run both Autogen on Dense, but i can't run Extremely Dense.

Also try out what Ian said maybe it helps you.

edit: have you applied the Orbx light tweak? This definitely improves performance and reduces stutters in densely built up urban areas.

Cheers, Wolfgang

Haven't heard of this tweak wolfgang, maybe you can shed some light on this?

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have nearly same system,deaktivate ht like ian say,i have no stutters............i also delite that affinetymask=84..............and delite bufferpools,my run without that tweaks much better..........

also let nvidia do antialiasing,disable in fsx

here are the tweaket parts of my cfg,so maybee have a look........












[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680.0]


































User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter





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have nearly same system,deaktivate ht like ian say,i have no stutters............i also delite that affinetymask=84..............and delite bufferpools,my run without that tweaks much better..........

Agree with affinetymask if you turn off HT it should be 14 which i think is the default setting anyway, but 84 is for HT on(Atleast It's what works best for me, tried whithout it and turned off HT but it performed worse, more stutter). But sure try whithout tweaks and add one by one and check how it affects the system, Tweaks can have different effect on everyones systems, what works for one guy may not work for others.

For me Usepool=0 Was the tweak that turned my FSX install from a slideshow into really good performance(Can't live whitout it). I only use 3 tweaks in my fsx.cfg: Affinitymask tweak, usepool=0 and Highmem fix(got rid of CTD's).

Tried all the others tweaks out there one at a time to see how it affected my system, some of them crashed FSX, some made my AI traffic at Orbx airports invisible and all kinds of problems.

Tweaks act differently on everyones system

Also reccomend Kostas guide over at Avsim explain those tweaks very good, It's pinned in the FSX forum

And last don't use Automatic tweaking tools, I tried the Bojotes stuff and it crashed my FSX, had to reinstall it(Even backed up my fsx.cfg but it didn't help replacing it to the original)

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FSX SP2 runs fine here.

No Affinity Mask (yep, we tried them all, back in the day, and you'll note I have 6 cores to play with now)

No Bufferpools

Just Himemfix.

No stutters.

A great deal of tweaking is done simply to work around imbalance in hardware configuration.

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