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My first impression of my hometown..in NZNI


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Hello All

After opening NZNI I went immediately to NZNP New Plymouth. Heart in mouth, I could,nt wait to compare it with the default. Well, I'm absolutely thrilled. Mount Taranaki was in the right place, it looked like Mt Taranaki, golf course's were in exact positions, roads, streets, suburbs in place and the airport almost perfect. it was outstanding when you consider more work can be done at a later time. This looked like New Plymouth, no doubt about it. I would mark it at 98%, well done Orbx, you have done me proud.



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Thanks Jim for your brief "review" on New Plymouth which is the area I lived in for a few years before coming to the UK. It's good to hear the Taranaki area will be much more realistic and a pleasure to fly around in, as will the rest of NZ.

I'm looking forward to doing the flight from Auckland to New Plymouth which was always the last leg of my "homecoming" flights. I will also do lots of flights around Taranaki as well.

NZNI and NZSI are going to be keeping me busy for a long while :)


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