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Trying to refresh my IFR skills (10 shots)

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This is a flight from YAYE (Ayers Rock) to YBCV (Charleville) made using NDBs and VORs for an old style navigation.

More, this is an Airhauler flight, and we have to take 52.760 lbs of lab equipment from Charleville to Alice Springs.

The shots will be mainly focused on the cockpit.

Here is the flightplan:


The first NDB is almost 500NM east, so we will rely on Ayers Rock DME for the first part of the flight.

Everything is setup, and we have got clearance via FSS. We are now leaving this iconic place:

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All radios are set, but just one will give us information: the DME.

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Climbing FL370. We are empty and go up like a rocket:

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The Outback below us:

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We have now got the first NDB signal, so we have to correct our route:

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Leaving the first NDB, keeping the same heading and waiting for the second NDB to become alive:

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And here is the final radioaid, the Charleville VOR. We are tracking it on the radial 100° inbound:

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Next, Center has given us instructions for descent. The weather reports CAVOK, so we will go for a visual approach.

The runway in Charleville is damn short, putting everything out!

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Loading cargo, now, and setting up the aircraft for the flight to Alice Springs.

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Hope you enjoyed this flight as I did.

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