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Shared cockpits in multi-player


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That is cool Teecee......We are not THAT far apart though. That is awesome. We are about 200 miles apart but it does work great. Our only problem is finding Payware Aircraft that will WORK in the Shared Cockpit mode. A2A, Nemeth Designs, PMDG etc will not Share Aircraft. We have found some planes from Aerosoft that work and of course all the original planes and heli's work too.

Caranedo seems to work OKAY but they always have "Gauge Errors" when Sharing Aircraft and sometimes that Error code will shutdown my AA settings in the game and that kinda is a turn off visually.

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My friend, Mozz (Maurice King )and I, fly together occasionally. As he has his private licence he is able to show me a lot of in depth flying tips which has helped me a lot.


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@wolf2. The Carenado is my favourite VFR aircraft, ported from God knows how many versions of FS ago (probably FS2002), and it works a treat.. my mate has the same version and we have no problems to speak of.

@Caaront I am in MS, perhaps we can give sharing a go.. I must warn you though that I do most of my FSX flying in Aus. Jump of TS some time and we can give it a try. You can email me when you are online if you like terry9511@bellsouth.net .Teecee.

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Another great plane is the Lotus Simulations L39 Albatross. This aircraft is *incredible* and was made from the ground up with the sole intention of shared cockpit, so it's very feature rich for that specific purpose. Because it's a trainer, it has in the rear seat an instructor's station that will allow you to fail instruments up front. What I love about this aircraft is not only how well it flies and how awesome it looks, but it's got super systems modelling, yet it's simple enough that after reading through the manual you can get it up and flying properly quickly. To add to all of this, know that I am not a fan of flying fighter jets in FS. The cool thing is that there are hundreds, if not more, of these that are owned by private owners all over the world because they became available quickly for private purchase after the Soviet Union collapsed. I can think of no greater aircraft to fly either low and slow, or FAST and low over the great Orbx scenery using Shared Cockpit. http://www.lotussim.com/

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