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One quick one...

Jay Kae

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I have just set up my new system (Click here if you want to find out what I got) and I just did a quick and dirty flight over YMML, all sliders to the right, inclusive of all traffic, all shadows turned on, bloom ticked and nothing tweaked yet (inclusive of my screenshot program :( ) and this is a preliminary result... 88.5 FPS at best, I average about 70 at the moment... so I am over the moon :)

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Unreal!!. Those kinda framerates reinforce that YMML and hopefully the rest of Australia's airports to come (especially YPPH guys. hint hint..)  SHOULD be produced to a higher standard, as our new systems will grow into them. I can't justify an upgrade for at least a year (never thought I would pray for a lightning strike), but by that stage at least some of the tech in Jay's rig should be mainstream and affordable for the struggling pilot.

Off to back-up after that lightning comment  :o

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Jay, stunning shot mate.

Ok without turning this into a PR stunt, we've always known the potential YMML has; from day one. We focused on the visual fidelity and yes, at the cost of FPS on current systems. But Orbx is more than just making FS addons for private customers. YMML is going to be used for real pilot training by real airlines, and the industry standard for commercial aerospace simulators is 60Hz (60FPS). We have known about the upcoming hardware for a LONG time, which is now available to end users. Some of our shareholders are aerospace companies which have had nVidia technology 12 months ago which you now see in the 280GTX. So Jay getting locked 70Hz with 88hz peaks is now inside aerospace industry thresholds.

This is why we did what we did for YMML. Focused on the fidelity above all other considerations.

Now, SP1 is going to ROCK! But it won't be a magic performance rabbit. What it will do is make textures on buildings load a bit more efficiently and completely move the GMAX polys to full FSX SP2 native mode. Add to that crisp GMAX taxiway lines and grass skirtings and YMML will truly shine. All 100% free to registered customers.

Here's some shots of YMML SP1 beta with weather effects on the native FSX GMAX mode:

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Congrats on the new uber rig Jay, and yes, we all hate you :)

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lol don't hate because I am beautiful ;) Thanks guys, I appreciate it! Those shots are awesome John

Hi Jay, First off, great piccies and amazing performance, I have to ask that, 88fps is that because of the GPU?

I am asking because if I could get that kind of performance I'd be interested in the market for the 280 then...

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Oh my lord.  Is FSX still using one main thread and barely using the other cores as is normal with a single quad?  I don't see how that kind of framerate can even be possible, as I don't see how its splitting the load off the first thread. 

Also can you report on blurries/texture loading performance at low level and high speeds with 8 cores?  Going from 2 to four was like a 2 fold increase in texture loading for me, so I've been expecting magic from 8.

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FSX-SP2 will see all 8 cores, and take multi-threaded processing advantage of all of them.

Based on Jay's specs with 3x10,000 SATA's probably in RAID-1 or RAID-3, his texture loading would be superfast and he would experience a complete lack of any blurries at 15cm, not to mention the extra 4 cores would seriously be making this setup sing. Keep in mind he's yet to do *any* tweaking. I expect with the fsx.cfg tweaks and autogen set to Normal/Dense he'd be pushing 100+ FPS over YMML and into the 150's over regular FTX.

In our shareholders' commercial B737-800 simulator setup they will be driving 4X 1920x1080 projectors in auto-sync each with a PC like Jay's providing dedicated visuals for each projector. That's aside from the other 10x rack mounted blade PCs driving the intruments for the FD. With tuning we would be expecting 100FPS in a complete dome-setup about 30' wide.

So that's 32 CPU cores (96Ghz equivalent) and 16 GPUs... should be smooth ;)

Welcome to the next generation ;D

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He's got 8 cores and two 4870's in Crossfire - a single 280GTX hasn't got a hope LOL!

Oh, the 280 gives 4870 CF a run for it's money in many games... But as far as i remember Jay got two 4870x2 running, that means 4 cores. If you like to compare fair, you have to battle against 280 Quad SLI. The outcome would be very interesting to say the least  ;D.

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Hmmmmmm............. if I sold my wife's car to buy a similar PC??? 

I don't think I can afford a that rig, I'll have to wait for the Nehalem's and see if I can get away with investing in only one CPU.

I have one more question for you John, (or anyone else who may know) say with clouds what sucks up fps, is it the texture rendering or the poly's? The reason I ask is I am thinking, if its the poly's then CPU, if its the textures then its the GPU. I have a Q6600 and a 8800GT (512)


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Jay i have sent the first SP1 beta with full FTX ground poly to john this morning, so short of fathers day celebrations should be in your hands pretty soon. And here i was thinking toning down the detail map res. Now thats the second system in a week i have seen that proves YMML is coming into its own as sytems catch up.

And don't worry those on lower spec systems i dont see much performance difference with the FTX features implemented, but lets wait for my testers to give it a run before i get to carried away.

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there is NO texture loading issues and or blurries...

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I wish I could cure my blurries....frames no problem...but textures loading as i pass over is me is killing me.

At least Jay has proven it is possible in FSX... :)


E8500 @3.8Ghz

4Gb DDR2 8500/1066



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there is NO texture loading issues and or blurries...

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I wish I could cure my blurries....frames no problem...but textures loading as i pass over is me is killing me.

At least Jay has proven it is possible in FSX... :)


E8500 @3.8Ghz

4Gb DDR2 8500/1066



Simplest cure for you Nat is a RAID-0 array with 2x 10,000 RPM drives, or even 15,000 RPM'ers if you can afford them.

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I wish I could cure my blurries....frames no problem...but textures loading as i pass over is me is killing me.

From my experience there was no way to cure blurries with a dual - only moving to a quad did that for me.

Yeah Lance, good point. Our quaddie in the office has no blurries issues, but also has RAID-0 which helps.

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:'( ....You know I lost sleep over the Dual/Quad decision, so I flipped a coin a went

for the "faster" Dual over a Quad for the same money...(2 weeks before YMML released)

F---k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D


PS. As a note of interest...my original rig had a XFX 9800GTX XXx with 512Mb, chucked it out two weeks later for a

GTX 280 XXX with 1Gb...very little difference in textures loading or frames....

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you are going to love the FSX ground poly

@ Marty: I know..cant wait mate 8)

Will the YMML SP1 ease the load on the CPU/GPU? (wishing :))

@John: 38-45 FPS...she was showing off for you guys that night ;D . Mid 20's today... ::)

This is a crazy 'hobby'...but i love it :)


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  • 3 months later...

Holy framerates Batman! ;D

Can I ask how you managed to squeeze that kind of performance out of FSX with that rig? I just got myself a new box that's almost as powerful as yours (I think) but the performance is lousy in FSX. When I saw this thread I decided to try the same situation (YMML, daytime in decent whether) in a trike (not sure which model you used so I figured I should try the simplest one possible) but I'm looking at an average of ~10 FPS. I can only dream of frames in the 70´s like you have.

This is my rig:

Mobo: Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5

CPU: Intel core i7 920 (4 cores, 2 threads in each) @ 2.66GHz (not overclocked...yet)

Memory: Corsair (3x2GB) 1333MHz PC3-10666 (DDR3)

GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD4870 X2 2GB PCIe

Soundcard: Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS


Forgot to mention; OS: Vista Ultimate x64

My FSX setting aren't even to the far right. My traffic is at 50%, no bloom, no DX10 preview. I just don't understand the dramatic difference! :o



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Hmmmm that is very odd indeed you should get quite a bit more, have a look at my sig though for my exact specs of the machine, I have double your specs pretty much everywhere, RAM, GPU and I run Raptors, maybe it is just the combination of my mobo/CPU/GPU that makes the difference so big. I run XP still I do have to say but if that makes a huge difference I dare not say, I would have to try flying there on Vista tonight to give it a test.

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Just been flying low level, fast, slow, even slewing around, there is NO texture loading issues and or blurries... I am extremely happy :)


  I know this an old post but you had a guy over at the Avsim forums in the dumps...he just got an i7 920 and saw your screen shot somehwere and just looked at your CPU speed and wonderd why he could not get close to that with the i7...I did too until I read your post...LOL....I pointed out to him that you have a dual quad core setup. The darn thing looks real! Someday maybe for all of us...we can only hope...LOL


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Hmmmm that is very odd indeed you should get quite a bit more, have a look at my sig though for my exact specs of the machine, I have double your specs pretty much everywhere, RAM, GPU and I run Raptors, maybe it is just the combination of my mobo/CPU/GPU that makes the difference so big. I run XP still I do have to say but if that makes a huge difference I dare not say, I would have to try flying there on Vista tonight to give it a test.

Jay, I'm that guy at AVSIM and I missed the fact you're running two quads, guess that should have some impact but is FSX actually making use of all your 8 CPU cores? Also, as I understand it FSX isn't actually utilizing more than one 4870 (I saw you have two 4870x2´s, I have one) so the difference in GPU should not explain it.

Just imagine if we could spend all the time flying rather than tweaking FSX!  ::)



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Hmmmm that is very odd indeed you should get quite a bit more, have a look at my sig though for my exact specs of the machine, I have double your specs pretty much everywhere, RAM, GPU and I run Raptors, maybe it is just the combination of my mobo/CPU/GPU that makes the difference so big. I run XP still I do have to say but if that makes a huge difference I dare not say, I would have to try flying there on Vista tonight to give it a test.


  Here are some interesting facts.....to me anyway......kind of shocked me. First I saw a video with Phil Taylor running FSX on a dual quad core setup somewhere on the net....about a year ago. I never knew that dual quad CPU rigs were even available for us to buy. As much time as I have spent over at Avsim have never heard of a rig like yours....not saying someone did not post about one but I never saw it and I read a lot there. Today I replied to a guy serving in the middle east about a question he had about running FSX all maxed out and if an topped out AlienWare PC would do it. He will be home sometime this year. I priced out a rig built to your specs...or at least very close....could not get a line on the case as I did not know what case you used to build that monster but I guessed a good price. I then went to AlienWare and built a machine maxed out as best that they had....nowhere near what you have and are doing though. The price is not that much different but I am sure your rig far outperforms the single i7 965 AlienWare rig....and believe me plenty people will buy those Alienware rigs. Now...supposedly in a couple of months there will be dual i7 CPU boards out. Heck for 4 or 5 hundred bucks for a new M/B and another 284 dollars for another i7 CPU I would go that way. Not that any of that may happen but I see hope here for really running this program flat out....but I also keep thinking about what Phil Taylor said...at least to the best of my memeory....that FSX could use 256 cores. Congrats on a great rig.


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