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No P3D for me


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Ok, ok, I've been waiting in the wings for ages and got as far as downloading P3D and then stopped. The reason... because while I actively support JV and the gang at Orbx and have the utmost respect, I'm afraid I will not be paying the licence fees that are required for my 36 Orbx addons. When I first heard about the licence fee, I assumed it would simply be for the main scenery areas, such as PNW, PFJ, NZ etc. I was extremely surprised when it was revealed that I was also going to have to pay for every airfield too! So, you can work out the cost involved for me as with many other guys (£160 approx $220 US) I simply cannot afford those costs after having already purchased the scenery.

Now please don't get me wrong, I realise this may well be a very contentious issue, it's not meant to be. I believe it's important, especially when we all so wholeheartedly support a developer so closely, that they hear what we are saying, whether they listen is up to them, but I do feel it needs to be said. Don't get me wrong, this post is not an Orbx knocking exercise, but as one of their most loyal customers, just some friendly feedback from a disappointed supporter :mellow:

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I don't understand what P3D is really, but as I see it, we're being asked to pay for the licence to use the FTX products twice if we use P3D. So being quite satisfied with what I've already got that's me out. I only hope its not going to mean that future Orbx products will only be available through P3D. That will be a real let down.

Flight is a non starter for me too. The reports I've had of that is that its a pure game and a pretty poor one at that with, to start with, only Hawaii and two aircraft. What's the good of that?!!

I just wish everything we've got and what's in the pipeline could simply be improved with updates. Providing they're not corrections, I would certainly be willing to pay for that.


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While I agree that the cost per addon will add up, I'm not forming an opinion yet on the overall deal and here is why. Currently, I'm not interested in P3D after testing it out, I see where its better than FSX and where it needs improvements. Once V2 is out I will check it out again. If v2 offer the improvements and performance gains that make a leap forward from FSX, then the modest cost of about $200 to make the move over is much better than the cost of buying a new computer to chase more frames.

When v2 is out, I'll see what P3D offers and if there is a reason to make the move, then the small cost of the new fees is far better than the cost of a new system.

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The only reason I would consider moving to Prepar3D is if they can rewrite the code to handle multiple CPU's, take advantage of GPU's, then eventually as a 64bit program. That would make a huge difference. They say they are in the process but addimittedly it could take a long-long time. Not sure what their v2 will have in store but I am glad to here they are progressing. But for now it's FSX full steam ahead! (and a little FS9 every now & then).


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Kilstorm makes a good point about system costs. We still have to see what LM decides to cost single "hobby" user licence's. If it comes in at about a $100 Canadian, I will buy it. I paid about that amount for FSX when it came out, the most I had ever paid for simulation software, it also went on the shelf for about 3 years until I could run it (Hardware, OS and patches)! FSX may still be Microsoft's premier flightsim, but they are never going to patch it again, there will be no improvements, only LM will be doing any development. It seems they have made some improvements, but how much development potential is still there. There comes a time for any software, where it changes from "legacy" to "boat anchor", and don't know where FSX is. For the high end niche we represent, this is the only game in town.

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I dont know if it was John or another Orbx guy who said that there is quite a lot to do to port the sceneries to Prepar3D. I think that many people here are just seeing, that there are just a few Megabytes copied on the HDD. But this doesnt mean that it was easy to port over.

Another thing is that you dont pay twice for one license but you get a second for Prepar3D.

I for myself also wont step over to Prepar3D because I am now very satisfied with my FSX and the performance roght now. So I will look at the developement of Prepar3D and when I think it is worth it (to me) I will also get it. But that could take a while :)

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I for one am loving my fsx as it is right now... I see no reason to go out and buy p3d or x plane 10 until they have "matured" I have decided to not speculate or worry about new flight sim platforms or even hardware for 1 year. alot can change in a year. in the meantime I am enjoying what I have .

The best advice I ever got for improving my flight sim experience was to spend money on the hardware. thanx JV.

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FSX is still my primary Flight Sim however I would not dismiss P3D at all. Consider that their has not been an update for FSX in a very long time and there never well be ever again. P3D is based on FSX but with performance improvements and upgrades making it the only current Flight Sim out there.

About a year or 2 years from now P3D will be optimized for the latest computers on the market and FSX will be about 5 years past its last update.

Cheers :D

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My 2 cents please.

My current situation:- Very happy with FSX FTX and all the ORBX addons, hope and expect to be able to continue to grow this system.

Future situation:- Wait for V2 P3D, review and make an informed descision at that time.

Bottom Line:- I would imagine that there is an amount of work involved in porting each and every scenery to P3D and of course like any product from any business, that has to be paid for, I would have thought that $6.95 seems very reasonable for each item.

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I agree with Rocklife & Kimo, I will hold my horses at least until Microsoft FLIGHT is out,

then I will se. But for now, no P3D for me and I wont pay twice.

LM charge you for 10$ pr. mounth, but the price could very well change in the future,

there is no garanti there.

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Just to clarify.

The primary platform being developed for is FSX. There are no plans to make scenery that is P3D only.

The choice to purchase Prepar3D and Prepar3d licenses (or not) is entirely up to the individual.

Since we already have a P3D SBSL thread, we can continue discussion there.

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