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FTX Central critical error message after NZ Sth Island Install


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I have now the same problem with my NZ Sth Island install, with an error message coming up saying that it could not make the path For FSX Exe, but I am now unable to even start FSX, which shuts down with a critical error message before I can get it going, the message is as follows:




[ Name]

Application Error




[ Qualifiers]










[ SystemTime]





















C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\visualfx.dll


Can anyone help me in this regard, the Flight Sim was working fine just prior to this install.


John MD

Order Number: FSS0135505

Order Date: 2011-11-03

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Hi John,

we don't make any changes to critical FSX components so I'm not sure what might have happened. Does your FSX installation reside in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X as indicated in the error message? Also, do you have Prepar3D installed as well? And at what point in the installation of NZSI did the error message regarding FSX.exe show up?

Cheers, Holger

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Yes, FSX does reside there, and no I do not have Prepar3D at all, and error message showed up when I tried to start FSX normally, but I did have an error message for FSX Central at end of Install of SI NZ before I started FSX, I also tried to use the FTX configurator, to see if I could fix it in that manner, but can't get that to work at all .

If I was to uninstall this FTX SI NZ and associate files, would that take care of the problem do you think,

John MD

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Hi John,

it might be best to uninstall NZSI and try again, if for no other reason than to determine the exact error message you got when the first attempt ended. It could be a file permission issue but that's just a guess.

Does FTX Central start at all? If not from the desktop shortcut can you right-click on FTXCentral.exe in {FSX}\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral and run it as administrator?

If it starts set FTX Central to Default FSX and exit, then:

1. Delete the entire FTX_NZ folder in {FSX}\ORBX\

2. Delete scenerylib_NZSI.cfg in {FSX}\ORBX\Scripts\

3. Right-click on FTXConfigurator.exe and select Run as Administrator (it will run silently and remove the NZSI scenery library entries)

4. Delete the 56 ADE_FTX_NZSI_xxxx_elevation_adjustment files in \Scenery\World\scenery

5. Start FSX and check that it runs and loads the default NZ scenery

6. Re-start the NZSI installer .exe; if any error messages show write them down or take screenshots and post them here

Cheers, Holger

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I deleted everything as you advised, have reinstalled the whole lot again, but no improvement at all, it just keeps coming up with the same problems, I am completely unable to run FSX in any shape or form due to this problem which was not there prior to this install of the FTX NZ Sth Is scenery package this morning as I was flying in and around the Alice Springs scenery..

I am including two screens for you to have a look at, one indicating the problem with that shows up with FTX central near the end of the NZ SI install , and the other one shows you the start up of FSX and then the window that comes up which shuts it all down.

Maybe you might have a thought or two on this, I installed FTX AU Alice Springs yesterday, and that was fine, all working well, all the other scenery installs that I have done previously are fine, the only one that I ever had a problem with, was those cutblocks over a year ago with the Pacific Northwest which you sorted for me


John MacDonald.

Holger, to access those screenshots see below


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Holger, to access those screenshots see below


Take a good look at the path in this error. For some reason the installer is looking at an invalid path. ie "...\Microsoft Flight Simulator XORBS\Scripts...." There's no "\" between "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" and "ORBX".

Is this hardcoded in the installer?



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We double checked the pathway and it appears to be as it should be

John MD

If you look at the error, it's reporting it cannot find FTXCentral.exe. The full path is incorrect, that's why it can't find it. I get the same error message.


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I can now see the problem, when you look at the pathway, directly after the Microsoft Flight Simulator X entry and then before OrbX there is no back slash that I can see, and that must be the problem, so is anyone able to help me fix that, as that path is part of the Sth Island Install exe.


Order Number: FSS0135505

Order Date: 2011-11-03


NRM 88829


John MD

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My apologies, I see that was what you were getting at in your earlier post regarding this, I have been trying to sort this out all day, and obviously I am not getting anywhere with it, as it looks like it has been hard coded into the Exe install program as you suggested, but apart from all of this, I am completely unable to use FSX as a result of this problem, it has shut down FSX completely, did you have the same issue with your install.

John MD

Order Number: FSS0135505

Order Date: 2011-11-03

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It makes no difference with a manual FTX central start, or running it from where you suggested as I have tried this already, I still have the same problems, the FTX Sth Island Install has caused a major problem with my FSX and I am now unable to use it as a result of that install which means that I will have to uninstall FSX, and reinstall from scratch, which is going to take a whole lot of work, and then reinstall all the Australian and Nth American ftx stuff again, plus aircraft etc, it is obvious that this Sth Island product is faulty and needs to be rectified.

John MacDonald

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I'm sorry John but you cannot lay the blame at Orbx or NZSI since thousands of customers have installed it in the past 24 hours and only you are reporting that you cannot now run FTX Central.

We are already aware that for a few customers, FTX Central does not launch from the installer, and we have advised them to run it manually and that has resolved their issue.

Are you now saying that FTX Central does not run at all? What happens when you manually try to run it from ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe ? Is there an error message?

There is no point trying to run FSX if you have not yet run FTX Central and selected 'Default' region and then 'Oceania' region.

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FTX Central runs fine manually from ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe and I can swap sceneries from NA to Oceania to Default manually, but I still can't get FSX to run even after selecting any of these regions, what I am saying is that there was no problem with my FSX or flying in any FTX scenery until directly after I installed the STH Island scenery this morning, just prior to installing that scenery I was flying without any problems around the new Alice Springs scenery which I installed yesterday, its keeps coming up with that error that I sent on an earlier post above, and then tells me that I have critical error which I have never had before today.


John MacDonald

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John, we're really sorry but we have not seen visualfx.dll errors appear as a result of install Orbx addons before, and we do not believe it is related to NZSI.

If you google "visualfx.dll fsx" you'll find this error has been reported many times before, for all manner of addons and situations.

My suggestion is that you insert your FSX CD into your drive and attempt to repair the installation. That may be enough to resolve the issue. Failing that, you may be looking at a full reinstall of FSX, sorry to have to say.

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FTX Central runs fine manually from ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe and I can swap sceneries from NA to Oceania to Default manually, but I still can't get FSX to run even after selecting any of these regions, what I am saying is that there was no problem with my FSX or flying in any FTX scenery until directly after I installed the STH Island scenery this morning, just prior to installing that scenery I was flying without any problems around the new Alice Springs scenery which I installed yesterday, its keeps coming up with that error that I sent on an earlier post above, and then tells me that I have critical error which I have never had before today.


John MacDonald

Hi if you do have to do a full reinstall i advise you to put fsx in its own root drive not in the x(86) progrmane drive since i believe this is where most of the troubles lie in adding addons and insuring you use admin right when installing etc
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I'm with Pete, John. If you are forced to reinstall, just give it a path directly into the root of a HDD ie C:\Flight Simulator X (or similar). If you have a second or third disk that is fast, say a velo raptor or even an SSD install FSX into that. I have my FSX installed exclusively onto a velo-raptor HDD. Apart from an Apple app which shut down DirectX I have had little or no trouble with installations.

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To all

Thanks for the help guys but unfortunately it hasn't worked I am now3 doing a full reinstall and we will see where we are after that, I will let you know what has happened


John MacDonald

Order Number: FSS0135505

Order Date: 2011-11-03

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