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FTX Central Command Line Switching


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Is there a way to switch between OBX territories (NA, AU Demo/Upcoming NZSI) via the command line? I'd like to have a batch file or whatever that switches to a specific territory, starts FSX, and then switches back to default FSX, so I don't forget to switch when I get the urge to install some complex add-on scenery.

Also is the aut-ogen stuff restored and then backed up after each switch to Default and back to ORBX? I ask because every time I do that, I have to re-run the FlyTampa Grenadines auto-gen installer because it gets removed, and my auto-gen in that area goes missing. Or, is it backed up just once, during install?

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when you install FTX, the various files that are present in your flightsim get backed up, hence the recommendation to always install other addons first before installing FTX, also when you have FTX installed and want to install other addons then switch FTX back to default. just to avoid this issue

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when you install FTX, the various files that are present in your flightsim get backed up, hence the recommendation to always install other addons first before installing FTX, also when you have FTX installed and want to install other addons then switch FTX back to default. just to avoid this issue

I get that... but I didn't do that for the Grenadines. So now every time I flip-flop it's auto-gen gets corrupted and I need to re-ren their tool. I switched to Default, ran the tool, then switch to NA, but the auto-gen annotations disappear, so I have to run it each time there's a switch.

I want to make two little batch scripts that I would use to start FSX for either flying in NA or NZ which switches via command-line and switches to default FSX on exit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

there's no command line switcher for FTX Central that I am aware of. Feel free to experiment but we can't offer any support for non-intended use of FTX Central.

Every time you switch FTX Central from Default FSX to an ORBX region (NA or Australia) the current global autogen files are copied into {FSX}\ORBX\Scripts\Backup and replaced by the corresponding ORBX versions. When you switch back to Default the backup files get moved back into their respective locations. You can observe this behavior by checking the Backup folder before and after switching; with FTX Central set to Default FSX it should be empty. In other words, if you have autogen files configured for a different add-on those should get copied into the Backup folder and then moved back as well.

Not sure about the specific issue with the Grenadines but I'd suggest making sure its files are configured correctly with FTX Central set to Default FSX; then it should properly maintain that configuration when you switch back and forth.

Cheers, Holger

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure about the specific issue with the Grenadines but I'd suggest making sure its files are configured correctly with FTX Central set to Default FSX; then it should properly maintain that configuration when you switch back and forth.

So I did the following:

1. Switch FTX Central to the Default FSX

2. Run FlyTamp Grenadines auto-gen tool (which alters AutogenDecriptions.spb)

3. Ran FSX to verify FlyTampa scenery was OK, then exit

4. Switch FTX Central to North America

5. Ran FSX and noticed that Grenadines auto-gen stuff went missing, then exited

6. Re-ran FlyTamp auto-gen tool

7. Ran FSX and verified all OK

Is this what's suppose to happen? Is there no way to make the AutogenDecriptions.spb change from Grenadines stick permanently in FTX mode?

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Here are the command-line switches for ftxcentral.exe - they are only meant to be used by Orbx official installers, so use them *at your own risk* !!!

ftxcentral.exe /nogui /default

ftxcentral.exe /nogui /apply:australia

ftxcentral.exe /nogui /apply:northamerica

Their function is self explanatory. Note that the /nogui flag is optional, and suppresses the FTX Central user interface.

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Here are the command-line switches for ftxcentral.exe - they are only meant to be used by Orbx official installers, so use them *at your own risk* !!!

Thanks... but is there no way to make the AutogenDecriptions.spb changes from Grenadines stick regardless of the FTX state? That is, will I lose them every time I switch to FTX?

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Hi pilotjohn,

there can be only one... Sadly, some files in FSX are "global" in that they don't allow for local coexisting versions. FlyTampa makes changes to the default AutogenDecriptions.spb file and we make different changes to it so it's one or the other, which is why we require FTX Central in the first place.

You should not have to re-run the FlyTampa autogen tool though after switching FTX Central back to FSX Default because the FlyTampa AutogenDecriptions.spb should have been stored in the \ORBX\Scripts\Backup folder while FTX Central was switched to Australia or North America and then restored when switching back to FSX Default. If that doesn't happen then there may be an issue with file access permissions. Make sure you have full admin rights to the FSX directory tree and that none of the involved files are set to "read-only".

Cheers, Holger

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Hi pilotjohn,

there can be only one... Sadly, some files in FSX are "global" in that they don't allow for local coexisting versions. FlyTampa makes changes to the default AutogenDecriptions.spb file and we make different changes to it so it's one or the other, which is why we require FTX Central in the first place.

You should not have to re-run the FlyTampa autogen tool though after switching FTX Central back to FSX Default because the FlyTampa AutogenDecriptions.spb should have been stored in the \ORBX\Scripts\Backup folder while FTX Central was switched to Australia or North America and then restored when switching back to FSX Default. If that doesn't happen then there may be an issue with file access permissions. Make sure you have full admin rights to the FSX directory tree and that none of the involved files are set to "read-only".

Cheers, Holger

Upon restoring to default, Grenadines works fine... however, both Grenadines and FTX appear to work correctly if I re-run their tool after FTX is switched "on". That is both seem to co-exist perfectly, it's just that FTX wipes out the Grenadines changes when it's toggled off and then back on again. If both products have "unique" auto-gen IDs, or whatever data that's in that file, and Grenadines can make changes to it without affecting FTX, why can't FTX do the same (that is just make changes to the auto-gen file while keeping existing data intact, instead of wiping it to default and re-adding it's own)?

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