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Devastating fire in Bastrop Texas


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To all my friends here at the Orbx community I like to let you know that my family and I are safe and that are house has survived this devastating fire. Over 1400 homes have been destroyed which is half the community. We have evacuated to the Houston area for now. We are hardly out of the woods yet as the fire is only 30% contained and the winds are expected to increase tomorrow which isn't good. If it comes out of the east I'm screwed. They have setup next to my house the landing site for all the Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters that are assisting with the fire. It is quite the experience with them hovering 500 ft above my house and it also feels like I'm in a war zone which I am technically in. Most of my friends have lost their homes so we need all your prayers for them. We are okay for now but are very depressed with this situation. The heart of the town has been ripped out but we will rebuild and be better than ever. I have posted a short video for you to watch.


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Any response to your post Josh will only be platitudes, just like the disasters in Australia, Japan, New Zealand and so on. But as with all of those tragedies, our thoughts will be with you and your fellow citizens.

At first I thought, 'why the cheerful accompaniment?' But it was an inspired choice of music which gave me a lump in the throat.

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You have my prayers, I don't live that far from you and we have our own little fire in Magnolia, Tx. It's not effecting me but my son lives less than 6 miles from where it's burning. He's ok so far. Hope you and yours do well and make it through all this drought and you can get back to flying.

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Some bad fires this season in NA. First Slave Lake Alberta was devestated, and now in Texas the same sort of thing. Fire season in SoCal hasn't even begun yet as the Santa Ana winds start blowing hot desert air in November so their could be more of this to come...

Keep safe everyone.

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Having lived through ash Wednesday in Australia Joshua, a lot of the Aussies can relate, myself having just got back from Dallas, it was so unbelievably try right across Texas I am saddened to see such a tragic event. I hope you and your family get back to normal as soon as possible.

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Tragic news, I'm sure you and your community will be stronger after this devastating event, and you will certainly rebuild lives for the better and as you mentioned you will build a better town as well. All the best from down under.

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