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Stick aircraft and a yoke?


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I'm in the throws of getting the CH yoke off the back of a number of suggestions around here and also Phil's advice. I have a question which can be answered easily... how many of you feel OK flying planes like the Lancair, the Bird dog or Katana with a yoke when these aircraft, which I fly regularlly, operate with a stick. Or do some of you change over to a flight stick when flying these aircraft or just be damned and use the yoke? Just a thought...

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I have a Saitek yoke with modified internal setup do all my flying with it even choppers, I miss using my Thrustmaster Cougar but at the end of the day it is all the swapping about that I dont miss.

I dont think you will have trouble adapting.

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I have my yoke in the center and I have the saitek x 52 stick and throttle I have the stick and throttle on each side of the yoke so even when I fly the airbus or lancair im good . only thing is because the way the throttle is ergonomically designed the throttle is left and the stick is right witch is opposite to the stick throttle setup in the above mentioned aircraft .

but because this is flight sim I just imagine I am a wealthy person who has had my private aircraft mechanic staff change it over. I have learned to live with it


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If the aircraft has a yoke I use a yoke, if it's joystick, I'll use a joystick. In fact it would be distinctly odd to fly a BirdDog using a yoke! I have made a platform that accommodates either one. Also, if an a/c has a quadrant I use a quadrant, if it's a push/pull then....

Keep it real (as you can)

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It doesn't bother me... I used to own a 172, and when I swapped to a Cirrus, there's was really no learning curve for the stick, and then switched back to a 182RG no problem. It doesn't make a difference to me. I even fly the helos with the yoke and after a couple of hours in a real helo, it also seems to make no difference (the only difference being in the RW helo the cyclic was in my right hand).

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And your recommendation Dave, would be?

If you want a bit of kit that will last you years and something that brings a new level of control.

HOTAS Warthog.

Posted Image

Read a review Howard and don't bother with the programming stuff, I've never needed it or used it. You have to use this kit to really understand how good it is.


And here


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Thanks fellas. The dilemma I have is that I currently fly with the Saitek x52 pro and with it being a stick controller is very easy to push out of the way when not is use. I use the PC for work also and have a separate FSX OS on it's own drive in a caddy. So when i want to fly I simply swap drives and pull across the flight controls. if I get a yoke then I either need to set up the kit each time I want to fly, not very practical, or sort myself out with a dedicated rig elsewhere in the room which would be permanently set up.

Dave, I'm very tempted also by the Warthog but I find that all the paraphanalia is relevent to a particular aircraft. Also all the switches have dedicated text to particular functions not pertinent to GA or civil airlines. I know this may seem an odd point but as you probably know, I am a pedantic SOAB!

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You are indeed Howard ;) But a Saitek x52 pro is a model of nothing and on the HW a lot of them buttons you can use the labels and program them for a GA or NGX. But nvm just an idea :)

Thanks Dave.... all food for thought. What I am considering, if I do not get a stick controller, is to have a dedicated area in my office (I work from home) so, let me know what you think.... My idea, only an idea, is to have a 27" monitor with yoke, quadrant and pedals and soforth on the other side of the room, with all the kit run from my PC via USB extension cables, plus of course a longer monitor cable. I can switch monitors via the control panel. The only thing I need to be advised about is whether running a long monitor and USB extension cables will degrade the signal at all, in particular the monitor signal. Any ideas... ? Am I right in thinking that with the Warthog the rudder can be operated via twisting the controller?

EDIT: I've just read the reviews Dave. It is an awesome bit of kit and i would have been seriously tempted but oooooh, how are you supposed to initiate the rudder? If you need to get pedals then I will stick with the yoke I think :- How have you done it?

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With my setup I'm using the CH Yoke, Throttle Quadrant, Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals (obtained over years).

The CH Yoke and Throttle Quadrant have two clamps underneath and make mounting it up take around 30 seconds and the Throttle Quadrant another 30 seconds. I keep the Yoke on my desk to the left out of the way when I'm not using it so I can do as you said and set my stick and throttle in the right place to fly. If my desk was not such a mess I would post a picture, but I'm sure it's not hard to picture in your head.

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I use a yoke for all my main ga and commercial aircraft but i use my xbox 360 ( pc version ) controller for my military addons and helo's, I normally leave them all connected and the yoke bolted to my desk even when i play other games like tf2, i only take the yoke off when i clean my desk but with 2 monitors and my case on my desk it does not leave much room for anything else.

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Since I discovered FsForce utility for force feedback I'm hooked on my Microsoft FF2 joystick (which I had basically retired from service since it's implementation in FSX default really sucks). Thanks to Mr. Womack's advice I bought FsForce and now it's fantastic. But yeah, it's not a yoke....

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