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Moving a shop that is essentially an on-line retailer with almost no walk-in trade is hard.  Therefore Jay Kae I sympathise with you.  Setting up servers and websites is hard I know.

But as you work for FSStore isn't it a conflict of interest for you to arbitrate on a discussion regarding your employer and his/her operations.

I say this without having any financial or other interests in PC Aviator, Australia, your direct competitor

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I am going to lock this thread as to me it seems inflamatory with no other purpose other than to gripe about something that Jay has no direct control over.  He can open it again in his time zone if he sees fit.

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No, no conflict of interest because - and I have said this before - I do NOT work for FSS, nor do I work for Orbx. I moderated the topic because it was getting out of hand, like I would any other topic that would go downhill. I actually make no money out of ANY activity related to my hobby which is FS, that is a choice I have made because I am an administrator for multiple sites and I want to avoid conflict of interest. What you have to understand here is that I offered Adrian my assistance in processing tickets just to help him out.. to be a mate, nothing more nothing less. If you would know me a little better, anything I do, or not do has no other motive other than the love of the hobby.

Adrian is moving the physical side of things of the shop and while he has been out of it, I am taking care of Level 1 support on my own plus I am setting up for the store a European server to provide better service to our European brothers and sisters, in between I have worked 98 hours this week alone, have had about 20 hours of sleep in the last 7 days and am still trying to finish up on everything for Christmas with my family.

@Ryan thank you for moderating mate but I have opened it back up.

PS PC Aviator is not my competitor because I do not work for anyone ;) When Dean wanted his Live  Chat logo in the top of this forum, it was done within a couple of hours by yours truly

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Just curious if I would be safe to purchase Cairns & KORS in my region for Download Delivery in my location. I am willing to wait as I am traveling at the moment but I noticed a lot of chatter about FSS as of late.

Just a good customer looking to buy some more, just need assurance as to when  ;D


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I would just like to add this for Jay, Over the few years i have been a member here i have found Jay to be a fair and very good Mod on these forums with no motive only to provide us with the best support that he can offer wheather it be with him setting up the servers we all use to download our great products or just being there to support us in our hour of need, Im not saying this to brown nose in anyway or because he and Adrian gave me a gift in my sad time earlier this month its because without people like Jay who give all the time as he does and believe me they are few and far between people like this  we would get nowhere in our great hobby i Thank you my Friend for what you have done and will do for us all in the future i hope you have a great holiday you deserve it.



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I would like to copy what Emmsie said above and add that over the years, the flightsim store has been my first stop for 90% of my addons! I have spent over a grand there and will continue to do so. I have never had an issue with them. I think some are being a wee bit hard on Adrian, after all he is in the middle of a move, that was advertised on the store page. He also did mention that there may be interruptions in service.

Just my thoughts! :)

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Thank you guys, all your sentiments are much appreciated and once again you humble me with your very kind and warm words.

macca, has your enquiry/statement been sufficiently answered/explained? If so, I would like to close this topic.

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I would just like to add this for Jay, Over the few years i have been a member here i have found Jay to be a fair and very good Mod on these forums with no motive only to provide us with the best support that he can offer wheather it be with him setting up the servers we all use to download our great products or just being there to support us in our hour of need, Im not saying this to brown nose in anyway or because he and Adrian gave me a gift in my sad time earlier this month its because without people like Jay who give all the time as he does and believe me they are few and far between people like this  we would get nowhere in our great hobby i Thank you my Friend for what you have done and will do for us all in the future i hope you have a great holiday you deserve it.




The most consistent moderator I have ever seen and open minded to always have the bigger picture in mind and this is not only related to this forum but to some others also.

Well done and thanks for what you doing in the forums and behind the forums to ensure some common sense prevail

Have a good break as you deserve it through and through.

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... the flightsim store has been my first stop for 90% of my addons! I have spent over a grand there and will continue to do so. I have never had an issue with them. I think some are being a wee bit hard on Adrian, after all he is in the middle of a move, that was advertised on the store page. He also did mention that there may be interruptions in service.

Just my thoughts! :)


From over the pond I can absolutely agree. I never have had troubles receiving actual box copies or direct downloads. Always delivered above expectations and the norms of todays suppliers. Enquiries have also been handled quicly and switfly and FFS will always be my first stop for a purchase. Downloads always went smooth and fast.

keep up the good work FSS.

and maybe it is just that time of year when people is a bit more tired, restless after hard years work. After some holidays I normally find people to be much more relaxed.  So come on guys give some credit where it is due..!

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