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How Much of a Framerate Hit?


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Hi guys, as an absolute convert to Orbx, like most others, I am an absolute avid fan! I have NA PNW with all the small add-on airports. Howeveer, in addition to flying my Carenado Skywagon I also enjoy flying my Wilco 737. However, since investing in a competitor's airports ie. Heathrow and Innsbruck I cannot believe the huge hit they have on framerates while I'm flying my 737, I mean just rediculous. I understand the more detailed these add-ons become then the more resources they demand. However, I have always been impressed with the relatively conservative hit my framerates experience with Orbx products. So with this in mind, I'm considering purchasing the AU areas with the intention of buying into the big airports and areas. My question is, does anyone know how these airports/areas compare with the other airports I have referred to (name withheld for forum rules?) As usual, any info gratefully received, thanks...

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Although your specs will be helpful I can confirm you are right about Heathrow being a bit heavy on performance.  Don't know about Innsbruck.  However, although there is some hit on frame rates with the larger Orbx Airports, most of them give you choices of adjustments you can make to obviate the problem if there is one.

If you're flying big stuff and it seems you are, then you will be able to make use of these adjustments more than us low and slow like to look at the detail in the scenery fellers.

Why not just bite the bullet and buy one and see how you get on?  Canberra, the newest would give you a good idea.  Its a 1.19GB download so it's quite a package and at only £20 fantastic value.

And I don't get a commission! ;);D


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Hi John, thnaks for the reply. You're in my part of the world, Churchill! I must try and remember to to add my specs to my posts in future. But for info's sake...

Win 7 64Bit

FSX + Svc Pks 1+2

Gigabyte MB

i7 950 @ 3.4 Ghz

Gigabyte GTX 470 1Gb6Gb GPU

RAM (3x2) GPU

Corsair 650 PU

1 x Samsung 1T HD + FSX

1 x Matrox 500Mb HD + OS

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Hi Rockliffe

Yep, you've got enough.  More than me!  I just had a look at my settings for Oz.  I use Autogen at very dense (they recommend Medium), Scenery complexity at extremely dense (they recommend) dense I think for Canberra and Melbourne and I've also upped their default settings in the Canberra control panel very slightly.

I'm not worried about frame rates as long as they remain at 15+ and don't have wide variations.

Oh, and I have all the Orbx scenery and all the UK Horizon Photo scenery with all the airports and various objects like the power stations and refineries and goodness knows what else.  A friend of mine talking to someone else said of me; 'He's got all the scenery under the sun) and that's pretty well true as I Have the GEX/UTX combo for both America and Europe together with Scenery Tech.

I have all these on the basis of if one thing doesn't have it the other will!

Everything works alright with my i7 920 overclocked to 4 GHz, 6 GB RAM and plenty of space on three discs and my old 1GB 8800 GT graphics card, so I'm sure with the right settings your stuff will.

All the best.


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Hey, a fellow scenery add-on fanatic!! I have to say I'm a little greedier, I try to attain about 25 frames or a minimum of 20, but it's not always possible. I need to OC my i7 to about 4Ghx and then I will have enough leeway for further add ons I think. Hey, I see you have GEX, two questions if you don't mind...is it an add-on that's worth getting and I hear that is actually increses the framerate, is this so?

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Hey, a fellow scenery add-on fanatic!! I have to say I'm a little greedier, I try to attain about 25 frames or a minimum of 20, but it's not always possible. I need to OC my i7 to about 4Ghx and then I will have enough leeway for further add ons I think. Hey, I see you have GEX, two questions if you don't mind...is it an add-on that's worth getting and I hear that is actually increses the framerate, is this so?

I just built an i7-950 system myself, recently. The 950 was a breeze to OC to 4GHz, and the performance at that speed is simply stunning. I didn't even pair it with the most expensive vid card (a GTX 460 1GB), but even that seems very much up to the task of displaying FSX.

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Hi Bill,

It seems I have the right system for FSX, I would just like to get a bit more out of it by OC it up to no more than 4Ghz, that seems to be the accepted spec. It will help when I start to install some of the big airports. There is a fly in the ointment, I am a complete newbie and not very PC savvy, well that's not completely true, what I mean is that I'm not very savvy at going inside the workings and configuration of OCs.  I have received some very good advice from kind fellow forumers, but I have yet to find some info on the net which I can easily understand!

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Hi Rockcliffe

Where nothing else practical exists the combo GEX/UTX are worth getting and so is Scenery Tech.  And they co exist with all the other addons reasonably well.  The reason being that the other addons take priority over them except where they have gaps and they are a definite improvement over default FSX.

The information is wrong about them increasing frame rates.  Being an extra so to speak they can't and don't.  However, they don't detract from it noticeably either.


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I can assure you that fps will not be an issue with the PNW & AU airports.

Even in YBBN, an airport that will test the mightiness of your system, a control panel is included that will allow you to lower the scenery.

The latest YMML v2 is truly revolutionary. You will need to purchase the Australia DVD to enjoy all the great freeware and paware airports. The AU scenery, like all FTX scenery is simply ART.

Highly recommended!

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Thanks... It's all so, so cooool! I love Orbx.... I've just landed at Oakridge , just north west of Diamond peak in PNW, after a two hour flight, going north to Seattle. AU is on the cards, the complete Australia DVD I think must be in the Xmas stocking. Thing is, I enjoy flying these regions so much it's nigh impossible to fly in any of the FSX default sceneries!!! I've just noticed somthing though, not sure if it is a common problem, but I've found that the ATC window has stopped working on occasions. I guess that will be another post....

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Thanks... It's all so, so cooool! I love Orbx.... I've just landed at Oakridge , just north west of Diamond peak in PNW, after a two hour flight, going north to Seattle. AU is on the cards, the complete Australia DVD I think must be in the Xmas stocking. Thing is, I enjoy flying these regions so much it's nigh impossible to fly in any of the FSX default sceneries!!!

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