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Question on FTX Scenery Texture


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Hello All. I have been so impressed with FTX's scenery products that I've gone ahead to order TWO DVD -- All Australia + PNW !!

While awaiting for these to arrive, I have a question -- I see that all ground textures look just like that from Google Map, which are impressive. However, I would like to know are those 2D ground objects such as buildings, etc., exact representation of that in the real world, in the real world locations? I read that where 3D objects are present, they aren't always the actual representation of the real world objects, but of generic types.

It's said aerial photos are used, but is it more correct to say these are actually satellite images?

Hope to gain a better understanding on what I'll be actually getting in terms of scenery realism and accuracy. Thanks.


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We use aerial photos, not satellite images (which don't have enough resolution).

We place 3D objects on the ground where there are trees, houses, factories, buildings, masts etc - but they are based on a 1kmx1km landclass definition, not their real-world location. We believe it's about 85% accurate to the real world when using WAC charts etc - this is because the roads, rivers, aerial obstructions, dams, and other POIs are in their real-world location.

However, for most of our airports, we use actual aerial photos of the location for a large area, and for these you'll see the actual buildings in their correct places, usually within the circuit and on all approaches.

I hope this explains things some more, and thanks for purchasing Orbx products!

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Thanks fellows for your swift response. I've tried the Demos and am already very impressed, and thus keenly looking forward to receiving the delivery.

A question here relating to performance -- I have the Obj Density set to Very Dense and Autogen set to Normal, and while flying in mountain areas give quite smooth performance, when approaching/turning to land, there is quite a bit of stuttering encountered. If I dial back on the above 2 settings, will that be too much of a compromise? As for the 2-D images on the ground, I believe these will stay whatever the settings? And finally, these 2-D images (including those mountain snow/forest/rock shadings, and city/town buildings, etc.) are aerial photos of whatever were on the real world grounds?

Apology on these many questions ... you folks have raised the bar so much, I want to believe what I'm seeing !! Already planning on possibly adding on more Orbx areas in time to come ...

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