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Orbx KPSP Palm Springs not loading in X Plane 12


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Hi All!

I am having difficulty getting Orbx KPSP Palm Springs scenery to load in X Plane 12. When I install through Orbx Central, I get an error message that states that there was a problem loading the scenery and it might not look right. All I see is a brown dirt area where the airport should be with some parked aircraft nearby. No structures, runways, taxiways etc. Any idea why this is occurring? Attached is my Log file.


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30 minutes ago, MichaelJ1212 said:


I just tried Orbx Central\Settings\Help\Sync Simulator. that did not work. Any other suggestions?


Thanks for trying to help!


Please attach a copy of your scenery_packs.ini for me to look as I see potential anomalies in the log file like 2 entries for KPSP:

0 Custom Scenery/KPSP Palm Springs International Airport/
  1 Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos/

Is KPSP installed direct into XP12 or into a library?

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1 hour ago, Jon Clarke said:

Please attach a copy of your scenery_packs.ini for me to look as I see potential anomalies in the log file like 2 entries for KPSP:

0 Custom Scenery/KPSP Palm Springs International Airport/
  1 Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos/

Is KPSP installed direct into XP12 or into a library?

Hi! Here is my most current Log file and scenery_packs.ini file.


KPSP is installed into:

Macintosh HD/Users/michaelcolletti/X-Plane 12/Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos



Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

Edited by MichaelJ1212
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2 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Try Iain's suggestion as Global Airports needs to be at the bottom of the scenery_packs.ini 

I also note that your latest log file now only shows one entry for KPSP

Yes, I’m sure my log file changed. That’s because I decided to to do a fresh install of the scenery as I was moving stuff around to find a solution. Ok. Will try Iain’s suggestion and will let you know my results.


Thanks All!

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Hi All!

I deleted the Palm Springs scenery for X Plane 12 from the finder level, not through Orbx Central. I shut down and then relaunched Orbx Central and did a normal install and I think I’m up and running. It has to be. The scenery looks too good to be default scenery, Ha! Ha! Interestingly enough though, when I launch X Plane 12, I still get the error message that the scenery might not look correct. I just accept and move on. Also, launching X Plane 12 seems to move Global Airports back up to the top of the scenery_packs.ini    So for the moment I think I’m good to go. I will post my current       scenery_packs.ini       File in a bit so you can see how it’s structured.


Many Many Thanks For Everyone’s Help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same issue as I am. Palm Springs seemed to install correctly for me in X Plane 11. X Plane 12 is a problem for me. Again, when I install it via Orbx Central and launch X Plane 12 and choose Palm Springs, all I see is a large brown patch where I assume the airport should be. There are airliners parked as if they are at a terminal building and there are smaller aircraft in what I assume is the GA parking area, but I don’t see any structures, runways, taxiways nothing that would indicate the presence of an airport. As I zoom way out, all I can see are the aircraft positioned as mentioned above and a large expanse of brown earth where I’d say the airport should be. I am posting my Log and .ini file here now, as I have manually edited my .ini file and and now do see AN airport. I can’t determine if it is the default X Plane 12 airport or the Orbx one. Attached are my current Log and .ini files.

Log.txt scenery_packs.ini.txt

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Palm Springs for X Plane 12 will not load when installed through Orbx Central. Auto stacking for the .ini file is on. I've synched the simulator. I've tried to reinstall many, many times. Attached are my Log and .ini files. Again, and I say AGAIN because everybody has asked for them, but nobody can figure out why this is happening. It is happening to others as well. All I see are airliners that look like they are parked at a terminal, where it probably should be but isn't because the scenery won't load, and some small aircraft that look like they are parked at GA parking. No structures, runways, taxiways, just an expanse of brown dirt where the airport should be. I'm attaching my Log and .ini files AGAIN. I'm also attaching a screen shot of the expanse of land (brown dirt) where the airport probably should be and my computer specs. I am using version b13 of X Plane 12. The X Plane 11 version seems to install fine.

Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 10.21.10 PM.jpg

Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

Screen Shot 2022-09-16 at 3.17.58 PM.png

Edited by MichaelJ1212
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Same problem here. Im on an Apple mac mini M2 chip. I started Xplane 12 using Rosetta, which I don't use otherwise, and the scenery returned to normal. Will the scenery be updated to use the M2 architecture? My other Orbx sceneries work fine without Rosetta.

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  • 1 month later...

I have pulled my hair out with this issue.. Turns out the issue is that the SAM version does not support ARM64 Macs (only Intel). I have an M2 Max, and It frustrates me that I have purchased other titles from the same partner and they all have the same issue.  I was able to get the scenery working while installing the SAM 3 software and running XP12 using Rosetta2, but it was not worth the performance hit. 



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