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Everything posted by MichaelJ1212

  1. Yes. Thanks! I did have some help from forum members. I’m not adept at reading X Plane Log files. I did do a search for “Palm” as in “Palm Springs.” By searching for the word “Palm,” I did see an entry in the Log file that stated “SAM3” failed to load. A forum member provided me with a link to acquire “SAM3.” I downloaded it and placed it in my plugins folder and then the airport loaded. I don’t yet know if there are any compatibility issues with other scenery packs or plugins. Hoping not. Yes. I agree that Orbx should have listed it as a requirement. It never crossed my mind that it was an Orbx issue as I’ve always had hassle free success with Orbx scenery loading.
  2. This was a tricky one. None of the suggested solutions posted here solved my issue. Someone on the X Plane Forum solved my issue and another member mentioned the possible solution in another post. The Orbx / Axonos Palm Springs X Plane 12 scenery package requires Scenery Animation Manager 3. That is, SAM3 to work properly. It can be downloaded by following this link: https://stairportscenerieshelp.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/77000004353-installation Orbx / Axonos should include SAM3 with this scenery package so that others don’t have the same issue that I had. I’m surprised that, SAM3 was not included.
  3. Ok Rob! Thanks so much for the files! Have a wonderful fishing trip! Wow off the coast of San Francisco! That is so cool! Enjoy and be safe!! Michael
  4. Hi! I followed your procedure and unfortunately Palm Springs for X Plane 12 still won't load for me. I'm still getting the default X Plane 12 airport. Attached is my Log file and .ini file and a screen shot of what I'm seeing. Is it possible for you to post or email me your .ini file for me to study? My email address is michaelcolletti306@yahoo.com Thanks! Michael Log.txt scenery_packs.ini
  5. Hi! X Plane 11’s Orbx / Axonos scenery is working great. No problems with it. I included a shot from X Plane 11 to show the detail of the roof structure and ground markings to show that it’s fine. X Plane 12’s Palm Springs scenery is the one I’m having problems with. When I try to load the airport I get the error message that there was a problem loading the scenery package. See my screen shot below. In short, the X Plane 12 version doesn’t seem to be loading. When I have X Plane 12’s Palm Spring scenery installed, it looks exactly like the default X Plane 12 scenery. As if I didn’t have the Orbx / Axonos scenery installed. Observe the steeple-like roof structure on the terminal building, and the detailed ground markings in the X Plane 11 shot. That structure and the detailed ground markings are not showing up in the X Plane Orbx / Axonos version of the Palm Springs scenery for X Plane 12. Sorry if this all sounds confusing. Your install looks like it doesn’t have the structure atop the terminal building, nor the detailed ground markings either.
  6. Here is what I believe to be a correct install of Orbx / Axonos Palm Springs Airport in X Plane 11. Note the additional structure on top of the octagonal terminal buildings and detailed ground markings.
  7. Here is a screen shot with SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos/ABOVE Global airports. The default install for Orbx Central.
  8. Here is a screenshot of my Orbx install and editing my .ini file so that SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos/ is below global airports.
  9. Hi! I don’t think either of us has successfully installed the Palm Springs scenery package for X Plane 12 from Orbx / Axonos. The only way I can think of logically demonstrating this is to post comparison photos with a description of each. Please compare your screen shot with each of my named screen shots. Due to upload size restrictions, I must do this in several subsequent replies. First is Palm Springs Default X Plane 12 Airport.
  10. I will double check my install and look at the airport from the perspective that you just posted. I could be confused because the X Plane 11 version has a steeple like structure on top of the octagonal terminal building. It is even visible on the Orbx website photo of the airport. Thanks so much for the reply. I will check ASAP!
  11. Has anyone had any success getting Palm Springs X Plane 12 to load? I purchased through Orbx and through Axonos. Neither version will load. Attached are my Log and .ini files plus some screen shots to illustrate what happens when I try to load it. I've tried editing my .ini file as suggested in my original post regarding this issue. I'm convinced that there is something wrong with this scenery package. All I see are some airplanes parked around what would be a terminal and some smaller aircraft parked at what I assume are GA parking locations. the rest of the scenery is just brown earth. No structures. No runways. No taxiways. No airport to speak of. Any assistance or explanation would be greatly appreciated. Log.txt scenery_packs.ini
  12. Apologies for sounding frustrated. I know all are trying to help! Michael
  13. Palm Springs for X Plane 12 will not load when installed through Orbx Central. Auto stacking for the .ini file is on. I've synched the simulator. I've tried to reinstall many, many times. Attached are my Log and .ini files. Again, and I say AGAIN because everybody has asked for them, but nobody can figure out why this is happening. It is happening to others as well. All I see are airliners that look like they are parked at a terminal, where it probably should be but isn't because the scenery won't load, and some small aircraft that look like they are parked at GA parking. No structures, runways, taxiways, just an expanse of brown dirt where the airport should be. I'm attaching my Log and .ini files AGAIN. I'm also attaching a screen shot of the expanse of land (brown dirt) where the airport probably should be and my computer specs. I am using version b13 of X Plane 12. The X Plane 11 version seems to install fine. Log.txt scenery_packs.ini
  14. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same issue as I am. Palm Springs seemed to install correctly for me in X Plane 11. X Plane 12 is a problem for me. Again, when I install it via Orbx Central and launch X Plane 12 and choose Palm Springs, all I see is a large brown patch where I assume the airport should be. There are airliners parked as if they are at a terminal building and there are smaller aircraft in what I assume is the GA parking area, but I don’t see any structures, runways, taxiways nothing that would indicate the presence of an airport. As I zoom way out, all I can see are the aircraft positioned as mentioned above and a large expanse of brown earth where I’d say the airport should be. I am posting my Log and .ini file here now, as I have manually edited my .ini file and and now do see AN airport. I can’t determine if it is the default X Plane 12 airport or the Orbx one. Attached are my current Log and .ini files. Log.txt scenery_packs.ini.txt
  15. Hi All! I deleted the Palm Springs scenery for X Plane 12 from the finder level, not through Orbx Central. I shut down and then relaunched Orbx Central and did a normal install and I think I’m up and running. It has to be. The scenery looks too good to be default scenery, Ha! Ha! Interestingly enough though, when I launch X Plane 12, I still get the error message that the scenery might not look correct. I just accept and move on. Also, launching X Plane 12 seems to move Global Airports back up to the top of the scenery_packs.ini So for the moment I think I’m good to go. I will post my current scenery_packs.ini File in a bit so you can see how it’s structured. Many Many Thanks For Everyone’s Help! Michael
  16. Hi All! Here's my log.txt and scenery_packs.ini again. Same issue after moving Global Airports to the bottom. Any other suggestions? Thanks! Michael Log.txt scenery_packs.ini
  17. Yes, I’m sure my log file changed. That’s because I decided to to do a fresh install of the scenery as I was moving stuff around to find a solution. Ok. Will try Iain’s suggestion and will let you know my results. Thanks All!
  18. Hi! Here is my most current Log file and scenery_packs.ini file. KPSP is installed into: Macintosh HD/Users/michaelcolletti/X-Plane 12/Custom Scenery/KPSP_Palm_Springs_Axonos Thanks! Log.txt scenery_packs.ini
  19. Hi! I just tried Orbx Central\Settings\Help\Sync Simulator. that did not work. Any other suggestions? Thanks for trying to help! Michael
  20. Hi All! I am having difficulty getting Orbx KPSP Palm Springs scenery to load in X Plane 12. When I install through Orbx Central, I get an error message that states that there was a problem loading the scenery and it might not look right. All I see is a brown dirt area where the airport should be with some parked aircraft nearby. No structures, runways, taxiways etc. Any idea why this is occurring? Attached is my Log file. Log.txt
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