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Orbx Airport Vehicle Crashes


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Hi everyone

Apart from turning off collisions in the realism settings for P3D, is there any other way to stop morons in airport vehicles or other planes crashing into your plane?

I'm sick of spending 20 mins setting up a 737 and start taxiing only to have some AI clown drive straight into my plane causing a crash and complete reset.


Don't these idiot robots adhere to ATC like we do? Its so frustrating having to start again. 

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Just turn off the unrealistic crash detection and accept the premise that things will be thrown at you in the sim that require a suspension of disbelief, and that's about it.


The other day I was landing at an airport I know and there were trees right on the boundary blocking the glide path.  I just continued the approach and pretended the trees weren't there and landed normally after having flown straight through them. Sure, it reduced the realism but once past them I forgot about that and concentrated on the flare etc.

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Crash detect is useless anyway.

Like John Dow said, there are certain things you just need to ignore.

If you really crash, then you know you crashed.  No need to have the computer automatically end your flight.

And if something unrealistically happens, like a vehicle hitting you, you just ignore it without needing to reset the flight.

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