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Can Orbx return the previous version of the Frankfurt Cathedral POI?


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 I hope I am asking in the right place. I wasn't sure if it really qualifies as the support topic since I don't have Frankfurt Landmarks Pack  nor I believe that the MSFS forum could be much of a help there anyway. 

I noticed that many landmarks from the Frankfurt city pack were included in the Germany, Austria and Switzerland world update - but one landmark was kinda of an exception. 
When I was looking around Frankfurt I noticed there were two POI's of the Frankfurt Cathedral stacked on top of each other. With one appearing to be a part of the Frankfurt landmarks pack and another more detailed, and true-to-life version of it. So, I created a post about the issue on the MSFS forum

Later it appears to be that this bug was resolved - but not exactly in a way I was hoping for. The more detailed landmark has been replaced in the favor of the less realistic landmark. 
I don't want to sound like a nitpicker there - and I have nothing but a huge respect for Orbx for doing all the work on the World Updates (and of course all the incredible payware products), and the most recent Australia world update was the most strongest one in my opinion. Neverthless, I don't really understand the reason of downgrading the landmark for a less realistic one. 

It would be really nice if Orbx could reach to the MSFS team and return the other version of Frankfurt Cathedral with it being more detailed version (lookiing at the screenshots and the photo on MSFS Forum).

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@Flyer2022 I am not sure what you mean. You see two cathedeals installed and you suspect one is a POI of the Frankfurt Landmark Ciry Pack. How should that be possible, when you also say that you don't have Frankfurt Landmark City Pack installed?



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@wolfkothere were two version of the same cathedral stacked on top of each other right after the DAH World Update release - but it was fixed in the Sim Update 7.
The problem is that a better representation of the Cathedral was the one that got removed instead (see the screen in the link attached and compare it to the real photo at the end of the post). Since it appears that all the Frankfurt landmarks came from the Frankfurt Landmarks Pack, and Orbx were the ones working on Frankfurt for the World Update I hoped that maybe Orbx could resolve this issue and re-add a more faitful representation of the cathedral back to the Sim. 

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