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Unable to extract files during Orbx Southern California installation

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I'm on Linux, i went through the forums and tried all the suggested solutions, nothing seems to work

I'm trying to attach the log file even that is an issue apparently my log file is too large 

How should i proceed now

And if there are dependencies required why its not mentioned in the installation guide

Please send me somebody's mailing id so that i can forward the log, its becoming a head ache now


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I cannot see a Support Ticket so I ask you to give me a Ticket number so I can look it up. The log file I would need is the XP11 Log file and the Orbx Central log file. The Orbx central log file is probably the one that is large and you could try to Zip it.

@Steve Raycraft @Nick Cooper this appears to be an installation issue requiring Orbx central support after the log files are submitted. Nick , please check if there is a support ticket raised for this.  Thanks

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