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Missing Aerofly FS2 in Orbx

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Hi, I recently moved all my Steam stuff to another drive. Now nothing FS2 from Orbx shows in my account nor does anything show in Orbx Central. The Addon Folder is still intact on the new drive. How do I get the FS2 products to show in my account and Orbx Central? 


Thanks Bernie

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Orbx Central looks for the following registry entry to detect the presence of Aerofly FS2.

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2\InstallPath.

Inside that path must be \bin64\aerofly_fs_2.exe. 

If the folders have been moved from the location stored in the Windows registry, of course

Orbx Central will no longer see them.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Same issue here: Missing Aerofly FS2 in Orbx, worked until recently.


Did not change anything regarding Aerofly, the key in the registry and the path seem correct.


Aerofly is still working.


Central v4.1.40

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nick


Sorry for the delay in reply. I have had some more serious issues since my post. I had not started FS2 since the move to the new drive. Since starting the entry is now in the Registry and the products are their and FS2 recognised.


Thanks for your help (again), it is most appreciated.




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