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Insertion point drop down menu limited


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I am trouble shooting a fatal error (listed under FSX support) that requires me to check/change scenery order.  My version of Orbx Central is 4.1.39.  I have a significant number of addon scenery's mostly RTMM, as I am a Member of the Misty Flying Club. 


When I access the insertion points under settings the drop down menus under "Orbx Airports and Regions" and "Orbx Global open LC"  only show 10 scenery items with no scrolling feature.  I need to access Tongass Fjords to place it in correct location.  Should the drop down menu scroll and show all the scernery's I have?  If not is there something I am missing?

It has been a while since I have worked with scenery's and Orbx has done much to automate the process.  I have never worked with the scenery configuration file.  I recall an explanation of how to handle scenery and insertion points.  If someone could point to that explanation I believe it would help me. 


Any help would be appreciated.





Win 7 Pro, i7-4790K, AMD RX580 8GB, 32GB Ram, FSX-10.061637.0, Orbx Central v4.1.39, Global Base Pack, Vector, Trees, Open LC North America, All North America Regions, Tongass Fjords,many Orbx Airports, Airport Pack, Many RTMM scenerys.











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6 minutes ago, WilliamB said:

Should the drop down menu scroll and show all the scernery's I have?


Hi William


No it is not meant to duplicate the scenery library.


Please post a copy of your scenery.cfg file found at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX, and we will have a look and identify the correct item to choose for your insertion point.
Please note: Do not open the file and copy and paste the contents, just attach the file.

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Thank you your reply Doug,


I attached the scenery.cfg (9/3/2021) was created while I was trying to adjust insertion points.  I accidently hit Orbx Airports and Regions which was placed in the "inserted below" below field.  I believe Tongass Fjords was placed as the insertion point before my mistake.  The OldScenery.cfg (8/31/2021) should show insertion points as they were before my mistake.  I also included a scenery.cfg.backup-Orbx (1/9/2020) that was working well just after I setup of FSX.


I appreciate your help!







scenery.cfg OldScenery.CFG scenery.cfg.backup-orbx

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Thanks William


So using the existing scenery.cfg your insertion point should be "UT Exclusions For Default Scenery" (as shown in the below image as it is the lowest non Orbx 3rd party entry), I see you have all the "UT" items unchecked/deactivated, so you might need to activate them in order to see them in the insertion point list.




Also below is an image showing where your Tongass Fjords should be placed.




And also for your refence the image below for setting the insertion point.




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I want to be sure I understand your images and recommendations:


I am using the Scenery Library in FSX to show the order of scenery.   Currently the order is not correct as most of the 3rd Party RTMM scenery is below Orbx OPENLC entry's.   I believe this is because the insertion point listed is "RTMM-01-RTMM Object Libraries 1-2-3-4" the first scenery in the RTMM Scenery list.   I believe this may be corrected when the insertion point for "Orbx Airports and Regions" is changed to "UT Exclusions for Default Scenery" (No. 378 in the Scenery Library in FSX) as you have recommended.  When I click on the drop down arrow under "inserted below" I can only see 8 entry's.  There is no way I can select an entry that is at no. 378 in the scenery listing.  I did activate all UT scenery's listed in my FSX Scenery Library.  What am I doing wrong?


The first image (used to show the placing of Tongass Fjord Scenery's) also shows the higher archy (correct location of all scenery types?  The last image shows the Insertion Point screen in Orbx Central.  It indicates the insertion point for Orbx Airports and Regions should be "UT Exclusions for Default Scenery".  It further indicates the insertion point for "Orbx Global OpenLC" should remain as currently listed-"Orbx Airports and Regions".


Sorry I am not as conversant as I should be but the last time I worked with Orbx Central and the logic of insertion points was several years ago with the Older verision of Orbx Central.  To your credit Orbx has automated most of what used to be done by the user.


Thanks for your help!






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 Scenery's areas [524], [398], [397], [396], [395], [394], [393],  and [392] are scenery's listed from top to bottom of "Orbx Airports and Regions" listed in the insertion point list.   Scenery Area 524 is at the bottom of the scenery.cfg file with the other scenery's occurring in numerical order in the scenery.cfg file.  Scenery area 524  Is listed in the insertion below scenery area Of Orbx Airports and Regions.  I searched the scenery.cfg file to locate the scenery areas shown in the insertion point list.


If anything is unclear let me know.  I am perplexed and look forward to a solution.







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Ok thanks


Next lets try this,


In your scenery library put a check to activate every entry.

Then restart the simulator so it will rebuild the scenery.cfg with everything activated.

Then close the simulator.

Then open Orbx Central and go to settings/help and run the sync simulator function and wait for the green success banner.

Then have another look at the insertion point list, if it hasn't changed, then restart Orbx Central and have another look.

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I did as you suggested and the insertion point list stayed the same.  I am not sure why the drop down list is not changing. 


I was looking at the FSX Scenery Library.  I thought that all the 3rd Party RTMM scenery should be above all Orbx scenery's.  The only RTMM scenery that is above all Orbx scenery's In the FSX Library is Scenery Area 524, the Area that is the insertion point for Orbx Airports and Regions.  All other RTMM Scenerys are listed below the Orbx OpenLC Scenery's.  Other 3rd party scenery's are located below the Last RTMM Scenery and thus are also below the Orbx scenery listings.   


The order of scenery's in my FSX library follows: One third party Scenery-Area.524, Orbx Libs, Orbx airports, Orbx Freeware airports, Orbx Regions, NZ, AU2, OrbxOpenLC's, OrbxOpenLC Base,  3rd Party Scenery's  RTMM, Anchorage Airport and Terrain, Aerosoft Beaver Mission Pack and Pier39, Tongass Fjords, UT Alaska,Default Scenery's, Orbx Global Vector, Pilot Meshs, Default Scenery's, Orbx Vector_AEC, Default Terrain.    Don't know if this is helpful but thought I would list.


Appreciate your efforts.







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Hello William,

I have applied the Insertion Point as recommended by Doug and attach your scenery.cfg file.

Please remove the current copy and replace it with this one.


It looks like this in FSX:




I doubt that this will solve your CTD.

You could then try removing the scenery.cfg file altogether.

FSX will create a new and clean one.

If it still does not run, then you know that the simulator itself needs to be repaired.




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I have done what you suggested, Nick.  Ran  FSX  with your scenery.cfg file without a problem.  Third Party and Orbx sceneries were in proper location relative to the "UT Exclusions for Default Scenerys" insertion point.  The Insertion point designations and listings did not change in Orbx Central.  Do you think there is any reason to delete and reload Orbx Central?  Erasing the scenery.cfg file and running FSX  resulted in a strange result i.e. the scenery.cfg file produced by FSX looked like an old version of a scenery.cfg file for my system.   For example "Addon Scenery" was the first listing.  You were correct the fatal error is still present.


I am considering running the repair feature from the FSX Disc and/or installing a hard drive image I made about two years ago.  The Administrator of RTMM and the  MIsty Flying Club (MFC) has also offered to take a look at my system.  He is also an expert.  Will see how it goes.  In the mean time all the Flying with MFC is in Alaska, eastern Canada, and the western US where I get no Fatal Errors.


I want to thank both you and Doug for all your time and help.


It was much appreciated!















"Ut exclusions for default scenerys"with the exception of pilots meshs which were below

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