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Orbx EU Great Britain Central Landmarks package

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Hi, I purchased this package today through the Orbx Website, Then installed it through my Orbx Central desktop App.

It seems that whenever i overfly Newcastle Football stadium, (Have tried in the freeware H135, and Default Asobo C172) my aircraft flips and goes into a spin/crashes to the ground.

Has anyone else yet tried this?

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Understood, Does this mean it isn't an issue that can be dealt with? Whilst it is not problematic to myself, I don't "Usually" fly over many of those stadiums and as mentioned,  came across that unexpectedly. I just felt i should have pointed that out though,  just in case there could be other (unrelated to Orbx) areas that are within the coverage of the Central pack doing the same.


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I definitely think it should be dealt with. Looking at the MS forums I see a similar issue with the same symptoms (and is the best place to report them.)




Dublin Castle is not visible and pops into view as you get closer and then as you are almost over it you crash into an invisible wall. Another default POI that comes with WU:3 and was recently updated prior to XBox update.

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13 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

Looking at the MS forums I see a similar issue with the same symptoms (and is the best place to report them.


Thank You Ed, (I perhaps mistakenly thought initially that it was down to the Orbx EU GB Cenral pack because this was the first time i ever had this issue, and only just installed the product when that happened. Thank you for clearing that up :D

All the best.

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