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Can we have some Love .............


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............for the Bermuda's please. There is absolutely nothing on the Market that can make this Island a bit better. Its just flat and odd. I remember a group creating all the Bermuda`s with Airport and ships and Boats and......for free for MS 2004 or was it maybe FSX. Cant remember, but hey as the Bahamas Bermuda´s is just wonderful. So maybe Orbx can loo at that.



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I have been making a tour of the Caribbean in P3D.  There is a scenery from Aerosoft for Nassau in P3d butt it is a bit dated and has some problems.  I flew there from TE Florida.  A TE for Bermuda would be great and would be a natural expansion from TE Florida.


There are a lot of sceneries available for various Caribbean islands but developers seem to have leap frogged over P3D to cash in on the rush to MS 2020. However, from what I can tell they seem to be just updating their FSX sceneries to work in 2020 rather than undertaking the improvements possible with newer technologies.


On another note, I recently downloaded Henrik Nielsen"s Global AI ship Traffic for P3Dv5  and got it working in the sim.  Its a great add on for ocean and costal flying.  The ships and wakes are vastly improved over the FSX version and there a beta version for MS 2020.

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I love the Caribbean for flying, something about the really light blue sea that's so nice compared to Europe, I would love more Caribbean airports such as Nassau/VC Bird etc. On a similar note, I would love to see Pago Pago be recreated or airports in the Hawaiian Island chain, basically anywhere tropical

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