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Slightly disappointed with last couple of Orbx airport purchases

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Southampton and Burbank - I've noticed the textures on the buildings/hangars are low res and blurry.  I'll be honest some of the freeware I have use higher resolutions so I'm a little disappointed and its not the usual Orbx standard I am used to.  

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From what I can tell, resolution is sometimes at the whim of the MSFS engine.  Example:  the white lines on the runway centreline are always blurry even tough the surrounding textures are crisp.  It may be something that is dependent on the level of complexity surrounding the aircraft at the instant.  

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Could be the post process section of usercfg.opt.

I have mine set as:

        Enabled 1
        EyeAdaptation 1
        ColorGrading 1
        Sharpen 0
        Fringe 1
        LensDistortion 0
        Dirt 1
        LensFlare 0
        FilmGrain 0
        Vignette 0
        LensBlurMultiplier 1.000000
        FringeMultiplier 1.000000

 Looking at plane from the rear in Chase view (for want of a better word) I got the blurry textures on start up. Move the camera/view around the plane and then the lines on the runway sharpen up. The above listed changes stopped this for me.

Always make a backup of this file before editing for safe keeping.



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