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Tillamook Creamery

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The resolution was offered at the end of that topics posts. There is a mod zip file offered.

You need to download, unzip and place in your Custom scenery folder making sure it takes a high position in the scenery_packs

If you have both TE Washington and TE Oregon installed also make sure that the 3 TE Washington Custom. Overlay and Orthos files are above the TE Oregon files.


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I already had that mod, but scenery loads in alphabetical order – so that's why. WA is below Oregon (wich had to be the case solving another issue I had around Portland iirc.


There's no other way around than to touch loading order in this case, @Sentry11? Like adding an exclusion at the right place? Thanks for the screenshot btw.

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This topic it must be:


At least there you asked me about that in order for me to confirm.


What I do not get is: If it is a screnery load order issue between WA and Oregon, why does Orbx not use a naming convention that's fits? They already work with alphabetical sorting (A / B / C …). That must be the most easy bugfix imaginable. :)


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That topic did not say to have Oregon above Washington from what I can see. I referred to a topic that had issues with TE Washington and Oregon. That topic was actually the Tilammook Creamery.

The sequencing of TE Washington and Oregon by Orbx Central is fine.

The situation we are talking about here is a unique one in that there is a shared vicinity object between Washington and Oregon, so that is why there is an issue. This to my knowledge is not experienced elsewhere in the TE addons. The TE addons will be placed under Global Airports by Orbx Central in the sequence of the date installed.

Because of the unique nature of the Tillamook issue, it requires the Mod and to manually move TE Washington above TE Oregon in the scenery_packs.

That is the solution.

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@Jon Clarke  --  My bad, old timers disease again. I got too involved with adding some airport vehicle traffic at "EGFF - Cardiff" that I forgot to tag you on the screenshot I posted of "Tikamook Creamery". The are so far two different problems, one was at the "Tikamook Museum" which was fixed with @mauricecohen's MOD and the correct ordering in the "scenery_packs.ini" of "Orbx TE Washington" and "Orbx TE Oregon, and the other problem is at "Tikamoo Creamery" that @woweezoweediscovered.


I now have a temporary fix for the displaying of "Tikamook Creamery" correctly. As the fix includes an Orbx .obj it shouldn't be too difficult to obtain authorization.

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Hi Jon,

In your pinned Tillamook latest fix, you say to remove any previous Tillamook mods. I have a folder: Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Tillamook which, from the official looking naming, I am guessing came with a True Earth update? So am I right in thinking this one should be retained, with KTMK - Tillamook sitting above it, or should it be consigned to the recycle bin?

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Is the file you refer to a standalone file/mod sitting on it's own in the scenery_packs? The old Mod was called KTMK Tillamook (Modified default)

Retain everything within the TE addon files.

Place the new Mod above Global airports. 

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