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NZQN Elevation issue

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Having issues with NZQN Elevation?


1/ I have tried turning off the elevation file in scenery/world issue remained

2/ I have uninstalled both NZ South and NZQN re-installed and ran Vector same issue remains.PREPAR3D 2021-05-07 11-53-30-31.bmp

I have no other bgl's that affect this, My Traffic NZQN Bgl is set to off.


This has occurred several times over the past and doing step 2 always fixed it but not this time?

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Hey folks, same issues here on v4.5 HF3. Sadly the above resolution (Insertion point) didn't work. Next, I have uninstalled NZQN and verified the NZSI files prior to reinstalling NZQN. I also have manually set the the NZSI NZQN BGL's  ".off".


This appears to have arisen due to the recent(ish) NZQN update, as I flew into NZQN within the past month or two and this was not an issue at that stage.


One thing I did notice in the Orbx/FTX-NZ/FTX_AA_NZQN folder was that the cvx bgl file has an odd naming convention compared with the other BGL files in that folder. Whereas most of the bgls are "ORBX_NZQN_<xxxx>.bgl, the cvx file is named '000_cvx_NZQN_airport.bgl'. Whether that's relevant I have no idea of course!


Any pointers anyone could offer would be appreciated.



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