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YSSY texture issue

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Hi. I have a problem with yssy V2.  I previously had v1 installed which I got from flytampa direct.  And the issue started there.   I thought getting V2. Might fix it but hasn’t.  What is happening is it is showing bot h the ft.  And the default textures mixed into 1.   And I have grass on taxiways and grass on runways and all sorts of mess.  I have un installed and reinstalled.  But nothing has fixed it.  I also have the mesh australia installed but when I uninstalled it it made no difference.    Please help!!!!!!!


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Ok so I have not got any Rex products.   All my scenery is from Orbx.   I have looked at the order at which each scenery is in but I can’t select any of the addon scenery to move up or down.  They are greyed out in the scenery menu in p3d.   Is there a reason why they are greyed out.  From memory they didn’t used to be like that.  I did uninstall the yssy software and all the default textures look fine.  But when installed again it goes back to a mess.  The default textures are mixed in with the addon textures.   Also I don’t have ftx australia but I have australia mesh installed.  I assume that they are a similar thing?


anyway I came to Orbx because all my scenery I have is from Orbx including the flytampa yssy that I got from Orbx.  

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Ok so I went into yssy today to take a screenshot of the textures.  I can’t explain it but everything looks great.  No mess of textures or default textures showing on runways and taxiways.   I have no idea what I did to fix it but it is.   

thing is I am still having a small issue with the buildings around Sydney being black until the building textures load but it takes about 30 seconds for it to load.  It happens on approach to the airport but it’s not limited to the airport.  Some buildings around the cbd of Sydney are black to.  Until eventually load.  
any idea why this might be happening?

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Ok.  I’ve tried  locking FPS.  But I haven’t refreshed the cfg file.   How do I do that?   It’s weird I’m also getting problem with the scenery losing all detail as I approach the airport.  The airport itself is fine but everything around it is just bland blurry flat land.   No buildings nothing.   But it’s only as I get close on approach to the airport.   Even on default airports.  

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you can go to C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4

and rename Prepar3D.cfg to Prepar3d.cfg.off.

The next time you start P3D, it will create a new and default Prepar3D.cfg file.

Also, just in case, go to C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\

and delete the Shaders folder.

P3D will create a new one of those too, when you restart it.

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Ok so I’ve done all of these things to try and fix this issue.  None of them work.  I dont really understand why it loses all detail on approach.   It doesn’t do it if I take off from that airport and go around for landing.  Only when I come in from another location.  I will try and get some pics up for it tomorrowto show you.  
also the funny thing is my video usage is only going up to no more than 30%.  Even if I turn all the sliders up to max.  And it is only using 3.5Gbs vram at the most.  Is that normal.  Let me know if there’s any other info I can give you about it and I’ll try and get it.  

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Just thought I’d also ask what you think about upgrading to p3dv5.  Is it worth it.  Do I have the right hardware to run it.  And will I see a performance increase over p3d4.  Olso is the actual graphics and look of it better.   Is it still comparable with most things?


just looking for opinions on it and if it is worth the trouble of a fresh install of everything.   Cost doesn’t worry me. 

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The P3D engine isn't particularly good at textures that have been exhausted.  The trick is to find the settings that allow you to fly at what speed you want to into the scenery you want without going into 'debt'.


A 737 at 300 kts will quickly exhaust the ability of the computer to keep up.  Try grabbing a small simple GA plane like the Maule and fly into the same scenery.  Chances are it will perform much better.  If so, reduce your sliders across the board one notch from the bottom, check the scenery is OK, then start moving the sliders up a notch at a time until you reach a point where the scenery is able to keep up.


P3DV5 does perform better but it is also easier to get into texture 'debt', but it's worth it for the smoother performance at the same settings.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok. So I have now upgraded to p3d v5.  I spent a week installing everything and getting all the addon working and updated.   I did the first flight today with the ngxu. From ymml to yssy.  But as I approached the cityscape of Sydney all the detail just disappeared same as with p3dv4.   
I need help.  I’m going crazy over this.  I don’t know where to look for the problem anymore and I have locked the frames to 30 in p3d.  I have turned all setting right down. None of it makes any difference.  I’m starting to think that this is a problem with my pc itself.   The other thing is my video card only ever gets to 30% usage and 4500mb of vram.  It’s like it’s not trying hard enough.  Lol. 

I even flew around Sydney cityscape for half an hour and still nothing loaded in.   And it happens at any cityscape that I approach when I get down to a low altitude.   I also noticed that when I took off from ymml before I got to about 30000ft and all the landscape went blurry.  I changed a setting that forced a regeneration of textures and it came back again.  Could this be something to do with altitude transition.   

please help me as I am going to tear my hair out.  I just want to get back to flying.   

I took some screenshots aswell and I will put them up soon.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I have resolved this issue myself.  And I’m putting this up for anyone having the same issues with textures and buildings and trees not loading at all when arriving at your destination city.   
the problem for me was I. The subnetmask= enters in the p3d.cfg 

I removed the whole entry and moved all other txt to the top of the page.  This fixed all the issues I had.  Textures now load in instantly and all the buildings and trees are in place.  I’ve not done any more testing with the subnetmask entry so I’m not sure if it was the value it was set to or just the fact that I had the subnetmask entry that it didn’t like.  
also I didn’t try this in p3d4.5 as I’m not using it anymore but I’m pretty sure it is the same as I got the subnetmask value from my p3d4.5.cfg file.  Anyway I hope this helps anyone having issues with textures loading in.   

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