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Orbx Direct Login Query


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Hi Guys,

I am finding that even with the keep me logged in option I constantly get asked to log in to Orbx Direct.

Surely it should be an option on my home PC to allow me to remain logged in so I do not need to keep giving my password?


Most of the other apps I use log me in automatically...



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if you mean the Orbx Direct website, perhaps you need to address your cookie settings?

I find that if I log in as a customer and tick Remember me, it does indeed remember the

details and open with me logged in, even after a PC restart.

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I actually have the same problem with Orbx Central but only once in a while.  If this is in the registry maybe Windows Update moves it around to a new location.  Never know with MS.  I have a feeling this may be it.  I am on W10 latest build 


Just a suggestion,  Try running Central as admin and see if it login issue goes away.  I always do that when a new version pops in


On a side note, the latest update can lose window position if using more than one display.  In the task bar tools, one can right click and reset window position, not sure if that is new, but I needed to do that

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  • 5 months later...

38 years in IT and never has Windows been such a pain as with 10 up... cannot even think how bad 11 will be....


Funny how Orbx Direct is one of the few that seems to get messed up and it always seems to be after an upgrade or after two weeks (with or without windows updates), whichever comes first :)


Nvidia have introduced a security challenge as well now and if you do a clean install you have to jump through hoops to login... at least Orbx just needs email and password :)




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On 3/20/2021 at 9:41 PM, Dean Salman said:

I actually have the same problem with Orbx Central but only once in a while.  

That's the same I observe. It's a bit annoying but given it's only now and then there are still more annoying things in the world.


Perhaps Orbx can look into it.


Kind regards, Michael

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