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CTD's on Latest Orbx Products.

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After purchasing many FS2020 airport sceneries from Orbx, I’m getting an increasing amount of crashes to desktop. The latest SIngapore and Narita products amongst them. Was hoping the latest patch this week would fix this much discussed conflict issue, but no joy. The published workarounds are not really viable without seriously crippling the sim. What is the next step, and is it on the part of Orbx or Microsoft / Asobo? I for one, am not buying any further add-ons until this current spate of issues is fixed.

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to investigate the cause of such a CTD, remove all but the suspected product

from the Community folder and either disable or delete the rolling cache.

Then repeat the flight or circumstances in which the CTD occurred.

If it reoccurs, then the product will need attention.

If it does not, then the cause is either another product or the combination of

other products.

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I have just tested Singapore landmarks along with the WSSS Changi Airport addon and all works fine. No CTD. This was with just those 2 addons in the Community folder.

I have the latest MSFS update installed including the UK World update.

The CGL issue was fixed as far as i know as i am not getting any CTD's from the addons that had CGL in them. Singapore does not have CGL as you correctly point out.

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