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True Earth South Airports Problem


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I bought True Earth South yesterday for Xplane 11.  I seem to have run into a problem with the default airports where the ortho seems to be displaying where maybe it shouldn't be.  At Stansted (EGSS) for example, I have 'blocky' ortho between gaps in the taxiways where there is normally grass, in addition to some of the terminal buildings changing into more house-like textures.  At Heathrow (EGLL) you can clearly see wings of aircraft on the ortho that is showing either sides of the taxiways leading up to the runway.


There are a few other examples else where but hopefully this will be enough for now to demonstrate the problem.  All airports mentioned are default.  I've verified my library and true earth south files several times (including after deleting the backup files) and I have double checked the order of the Orbx custom scenery entries in the ini file, ensuring they are below 'global airports' and any other non-related airport scenery.  Any ideas?  Screenshots for the above examples are attached.








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Yeh I deleted the Aerosoft Heathrow recently in favour of the default gateway version.  Would this cause issues at every other airport though in the south region?  Thanks for the link to the exclusion file for EGSS, although again it seems to be a problem across the board rather than just the few airports I provided examples for.


I am wondering if it would be worth me unistalling True Earth and the Library files completely, then try a reinstall directly into the XP11 directory itself rather than an external library folder on the same drive?  It is very odd because otherwise the scenery looks great when flying and performs well, just seems to carry the ortho right through my airports and underlays it between all the taxiways etc for whatever reason.

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I tried unistalling the Library and True Earth South, verified my XP installation on Steam (so got the Aerosoft Heathrow back for testing purposes) and then reinstalled the library files and true earth, but this time directly into the main XP folder.  Unfortunately it remains the same.


Sentry11, this problem is only occurring at airports within the TE GB South area (as I have no other ortho for anywhere else in the UK, only in Spain).  You mention the TDG scenery, however surprisingly they actually work really well with True Earth so far, certainly at Birmingham (EGBB) and Southend (EGMC) anyway.  The UK2000 Luton and Bristol seem to blend fine too.  All the other airports I've mentioned this problem at are purely default.  So far I've noticed it mainly at EGSS, EGNX and EGLL as the problem stands out a little more at these places, but basically it appears that there is no exclude area for any of my default airports, causing the ortho to show where it probably shouldn't.


I am new to the True Earth scenery so maybe this is how it normally is, but I somehow doubt it as otherwise I'm sure my searches would have found other people reporting/asking these things already.  Just to clarify, where I've read that TE doesn't alter/enhance any airports, does that mean that the (default) airports should be showing default grass / buildings etc on the airport itself as I'm currently expecting?  Or is it entirely normal for ortho textures to be showing through on the airports as they currently are?


The changing of the building textures at EGSS is truely bizzar, however I plan on trying the exclude file you linked to earlier for EGSS - despite it apparently being uploaded to fix an issue with blending along side UK2000 EGSS which I do not have for XP.  I have attached more screenshots below showing the wings sticking out from the taxiways at EGLL even with the default aerosoft version, the change of building textures at EGSS (I checked it after unistalling TE and they went back to normal, until I installed TE again), and finally a screenshot showing some slightly odd looking edges of the taxiways at EGNX.


Thanks again for your time.




One other thing is do you have in XP's General setting "Runways follow terrain contours" checked?


Forgot to mention that yes, I have that checked.


Thinking about it, at least with the ortho showing at the airports it allows them to blend in well when looking at them from altitude.  I just want to make sure this is correct.  If we can solve the building textures for the terminal / stand areas at EGSS and get them back to default I would be be happy with that for now (although the wings at EGLL could really do with tidying up I reckon!).


EGLL 1.jpg

EGLL 2.jpg

EGSS build.jpg

EGNX 1.jpg

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Quick update follwing my previous post an hour ago.  I tried the exclusion file linked earlier in this topic for EGSS.  This did not work.


Since then, a friend of mine has had a play around and found a solution for some of the buildings at EGSS by creating an exclusion file for 'facades'.  Previous attempts by trying to exclude 'objects' etc had no effect.  This has fixed the buildings in the main terminal area, but he is still working on the other buildings right over the other side of the airport in the executive and maintenance / cargo areas, which seem to be a bit more stubborn for some reason.


I've attached 3 screenshots, the first showing how it looked earlier, with the last two showing how the buildings look now.  As you'll see, it looks more like a terminal now rather than blocks of houses etc.




EGSS broke1.jpg

EGSS fix1.jpg

EGSS fix2.jpg

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I managed to do a few Excludes for him with exclusions for Objects and facades and now about 90% of the buildings are removed with only a small amount to do (keep finding them lol) but the main Terminal area looks a lot better and is now usable again.


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Thanks for chiming in here guys...


Couple of issues I think here. Quite a few of the gateway airports don't include proper exclusions for facades (or even exclusions at all). We've tried to resolve these in later TE releases such as Florida by including as many default airports as possible with the scenery and fixing them (these eventually make their way back in to X-Plane), however it's strange you're seeing in this at such a major UK airport, unless people really never use the gateway version so nobody ever noticed or cared (which surprises me).


TDG's airports often all have correct exclusions and ground polys, as do other third-party airports such as UK2000. However, we're unable to fix everyone's airports, nor is there much we can actually do in the TE region itself, it's down to the airports (payware or freeware) having the correct exclusion zones set up. We can offer patch/fixes to individual broken default airports if no other solution can be found, but it seems our brilliant community has stepped in and helped here :). If this is a default airport, I'd strongly recommend submitting this to LR via the scenery gateway.


As for the orthos, this is because whichever version of the airport you are using doesn't include its own ground textures, so all you are seeing is the orthos instead. This is a matter of taste I guess, because if a developer covers over the airport with bright green grass textures it can standout and look worse. However, most I've seen have done a good job of blending everything. Most payware products include their own high-resolution imagery covering the airport.



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