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[PENDING] Grey Lined Screen ??


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Hey, just lately when Ive been flying for some time fsx crashes and i get a screen of parallel vertical lines.... The last thing i changed was the new version of ozx... It can happen at high altitudes or low around airports.  Cooling isn't an issue as temps are staying low and the system is otherwise stable. All specs are below any help would be great.

Cheers Tom

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Ive got the number there, i bought Australia DVD sp3 from flightsim pilot shop and my order number was fss #127222...

so i don't know what else you want? Ive had help on this forum before.  ???


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Hi Tom,

It's nothing personal, if it was already there, we apologize.  To err is human ;) but if not, it's just to ensure that we are not providing support for persons who have not obtained their product legally.  One of the unfortunate byproducts of piracy of our software addons.  As for your issue, I will leave that to the more technically savvy development team members. 

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Hi Tom,

Its actually the 'FSS' part of your order number that's wrong, and is the reason we were unable to locate your info at the Flightsimstore (FSS)

have a read here for some examples of how to indicate you bought the DVD from the Flightsim pilot shop http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=1415.0

Now, grey lines...  is this the dreaded autogen spikes or some sort of driver related corruption? any chance you can post a screenie?

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Ahh sorry i actually thought i was display it properly, i understand why its necessary.

oh id like to show you a screenie but it doesnt like taking them when the computer's all frozen.  Its basically parallel vertical lines of different shades of grey.  I dont get those random scenery spikes usually associated with autogen umm and i just have the current drivers... so nothing that new... maybe a re-write of fsx.cfg?

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Haven't heard of this specific problem but in cases like this I tend to try to return to basics.  So far I have found that all these unexplained glitches on my system have been unforseen and often undocumented problems arising from fiddling with the fsx.cfg and the nVidia settings etc.

As you suggest, a new fsx.cfg would be the first place I would look.  No tweaks at all.

Secondly I would disable OZx, test, disable FTX, test, disable any REX type add-ons.

If the problem still exists I would load the original drivers from the CD that came with my graphics card (or in the case of 64bit Win7, the earliest version of the 64 bit software I can find). 

Finally, a long shot is to remove the graphics card, check for dust collecting around the fan, and then re-inserting into the slot a few times to freshen up the contacts.

Best of luck.

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Yeh you're right they're often undocumented... >:( but ill try out some of the things you suggested, hopefully not having to go to far down the list :P

what would you say a fair test would be after each variable change??

Thanks again

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If you can find a flight that taxes your video card and produces the errors consistently then save it and use it for each test.

One of the places I got spikes when testing the bufferpools setting was north from KSEA past Seattle city all the way up to the Boeing factory, low and slow, all sliders up.

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Do you have an ATi graphics card? This is a problem amongst the new cards. I had a 5870 and got this all the time. Apparently it's fixed in one of the recent driver updates. I'd say get the latest drivers and see what that does.

Stick "5870 vertical lines" into Google and you'll see dozens of pages about this.

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ok so i went thru everything, problem seemed to be gone, so i slowly added the few changes to config that i use and put my settings back to normal, but just flying round the sw of tas i realised its the clouds causings the problem.. i dont think it my system but anyone have any ideas specifically relating to clouds?

thanks in advance ;)

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