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TrueEarth GB North photoscenery tiles

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I want to delete a handful of autogen objects in a specific area of Orbx TrueEarth GB North (near Kirkwall airport), but I do not know which tile I need to open in Autogen Annotator so that I can delete the relevant items. Can someone help me to identify the relevant photoscenery tile? How do I work out which one I need to open without trawling through every single file?

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30 minutes ago, Christopher Low said:

Can someone help me to identify the relevant photoscenery tile?

Hi Christopher,


I've never worked it out myself and hope someone can explain!


I've done similar things, however, proceeding as follows.

With the simulator running the TEGN North scenery at Kirkwall go into FTX_EU_!GBN_08_CUSTOM\Scenery and try to move all the North_****_****_LOD15.bgl files somewhere else.

You'll get a message that some won't move, those are the nearest ones. Skip them.

End the scenario, update the scenery library, go back to Kirkwall and in top-down view zoomed out you can see the active tiles.

At least there are now only a few to check out in the annotator!

Sounds a bit complicated but easy and fairly quick when you get the hang of it.


All the best,





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You can use one of Arno's tools (scenProc) to generate a Google map grid that shows the specific agn filenames, or research the quadtree based filename number reference and work it out.


There is a sample script in the scenProc manual that shows how to do it, just copy and paste that changing the area name and it works perfectly.


I've tried to do it for you, but having downloaded the newest version of scenProc its giving me an error that doesn't make sense, so I'll have to run it past Arno.




scenProc error - CreateRectangle | FSDeveloper

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40 minutes ago, Christopher Low said:

To be honest, what I actually need to know is the Orbx photoscenery file that includes Kirkwall Airport. That would enable me to load the relevant image in Autogen Annotator, and delete autogen as required. I do not actually need to know the AGN file.


North_4711_1524_LOD15.bgl is the answer

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