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MSFS 2020 CTD on approach to YSSY

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Hi there, 


I get consistent CTD on approach to Sydney. Every time. I notice that this subject has been discussed  at some length in previous threads. I've unistalled YSSY, deleted rolling cache, re-installed YSSY, have disabled rolling cache altogether. Same problem. Only happens in Sydney. Please help. Thank you and regards,

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just applying logic, if there was an intrinsic fault in the Sydney product, everyone would experience it.

It does not seem to be across the board, I also have not been able to replicate it.

Historically, one or two customers have traced their problems to an addon, even as apparently unrelated,

such as an aircraft livery pack.

Can you confirm that you have added nothing at all, other than this product and which version of MSFS

you are using please?

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Just to add to Nick's comments,  remove your current Community folder to a safe place on the same disk drive as MSFS , and create a new Community folder. In that folder, place a copy/paste version of Sydney Cityscape and make a fight in a default non liveried plane

The new Community folder should only have that addon in there, nothing else.

This will test if any other addon is affecting Sydney Cityscape.

Post you results.

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the customer who detected a problem with his, found that the aircraft in question was being

used by MSFS as a static or AI at the airport that he was blaming for his CTD.

The quickest way to test would be to remove the addon liveries from the Community folder,

which is the only place that they should be found.

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Post a pic of your MSFS settings please especially the Graphics, Data and Traffic settings.


Only new test suggestion I can think of at the moment is this.

Make sure ALL Ai traffic is set to OFF in the sim.

Make sure Rolling Cache is deleted.

Temporarily remove YSSY from the Asobo Official folder to somewhere safe on the same disk but outside any MSFS related folders.

Only have Orbx Sydney in the Community folder.

Run Verify files for Orbx Sydney.

Make a flight at Bankstown YSBK around the City and back to Bankstown YSBK.

Use only a default MSFS prop plane like the Cessna 172/152.

Report back.

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