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San Jose airport - runway broken when landing with jets

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When landing with the airbus 320 or the citation jet at KSJC, there are huge gashes that appear across the runway right before touchdown, and I crash after touchdown after "colliding with an object" as I roll on the runway. The problem wasn't there when I tested it with a Cessna 152.


near by Moffat field exhibited the same issue on trying to land the 320.


I am running the latest patch of MSFS2020.


please advise how to fix this issue. 

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Hi there,


The issue appears to be system related - I saw it whereas those with more powerful machines didn't!

It seems to occur when the system cannot cope with the demands being placed on it and seems to be particularly noticeable where there is a detailed airport near a region of enhanced Photogrammetry. KSJC is embedded in such a region -  I could even get it to happen to a lesser extent with the default KSJC. I also found it noticeable at KSEA when testing to make sure it wasn't just KSJC.


The faster and further you head down the runway the more likely you are to encounter it (which is probably why you didn't experience it in the Cessna).


The solution for me was to turn down some of the options to reduce the strain on the system.


I found setting Global Rendering quality to medium, Render Scaling to below 100 and reducing the amount of AI traffic helped with my system.


Tried to find other solutions but just had to accept that a system which was state of the art six years ago isn't any more :-[


All the best,




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8 hours ago, John Burgess said:

Hi there,


The issue appears to be system related - I saw it whereas those with more powerful machines didn't!

It seems to occur when the system cannot cope with the demands being placed on it and seems to be particularly noticeable where there is a detailed airport near a region of enhanced Photogrammetry. KSJC is embedded in such a region -  I could even get it to happen to a lesser extent with the default KSJC. I also found it noticeable at KSEA when testing to make sure it wasn't just KSJC.


The faster and further you head down the runway the more likely you are to encounter it (which is probably why you didn't experience it in the Cessna).


The solution for me was to turn down some of the options to reduce the strain on the system.


I found setting Global Rendering quality to medium, Render Scaling to below 100 and reducing the amount of AI traffic helped with my system.


Tried to find other solutions but just had to accept that a system which was state of the art six years ago isn't any more :-[


All the best,





This is very interesting John. The more as your system specs are well within the specs MS/Asobo recommended for MSFS.

And it does also mean that this airport is not suitable for simmers using systems with these recommended stil being above average specs. 

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1 hour ago, wolfko said:

The more as your system specs are well within the specs MS/Asobo recommended for MSFS


Hi Wolfko,


True, and I had to work quite hard to get the default KSJC to break up.


I've been simming since FS5 days and have gone through more new releases, system upgrades etc than I care to remember.

So, fair to Asobo, if I hadn't tried hard I wouldn't have got their less than stellar rendition of KSJC to break up. But I could do if I tried. Even easier at the 'out of the box' KSEA.

No blame here. In my experience FS comes out with specs that run reasonably well out of the box with sensible settings. Then folks want more detailed airports, more sophisticated airplanes etc and that puts more strain on the systems.


I've found this airport perfectly enjoyable to use provided I've done what I've done throughout my many years of simming, accept that I need Santa to get me a new computer and do the best with the old one while I wait!


The combination of detailed Photogrammetry and a detailed airport here is great - but comes at a price in terms of performance. What surprised (and actually quite pleased) me was that the FPS seemed to remain quite reasonable whilst the runway broke up. Maybe Asobo have made a compromise in favour of performance. Who knows - if they have I'm not complaining!


All the best,





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On 11/10/2020 at 12:51 AM, John Burgess said:


Hi Wolfko,


True, and I had to work quite hard to get the default KSJC to break up.


I've been simming since FS5 days and have gone through more new releases, system upgrades etc than I care to remember.

So, fair to Asobo, if I hadn't tried hard I wouldn't have got their less than stellar rendition of KSJC to break up. But I could do if I tried. Even easier at the 'out of the box' KSEA.

No blame here. In my experience FS comes out with specs that run reasonably well out of the box with sensible settings. Then folks want more detailed airports, more sophisticated airplanes etc and that puts more strain on the systems.


I've found this airport perfectly enjoyable to use provided I've done what I've done throughout my many years of simming, accept that I need Santa to get me a new computer and do the best with the old one while I wait!


The combination of detailed Photogrammetry and a detailed airport here is great - but comes at a price in terms of performance. What surprised (and actually quite pleased) me was that the FPS seemed to remain quite reasonable whilst the runway broke up. Maybe Asobo have made a compromise in favour of performance. Who knows - if they have I'm not complaining!


All the best,






Thank you for your extensive reply John. :)

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Hi guys I was about to open a post on this same issue, KSAN with jets and in the landing desacceleration all of a sudden the plane crashes or is catapulted backwards. 

I will follow your recommendation and try to lower the settings. CPU I7 8700 GPU 1080TI 16GB RAM.

Thanks and kind regards.

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